Creating Subtle Interactions in Webflow: Custom Code vs. Built-in Interactions

Published on
June 12, 2022

How to Create Subtle Interactions in Webflow

Webflow is an incredibly powerful tool for creating stunning websites with interactive elements. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create subtle interactions, such as fading non-active items in a navigation dropdown menu, in Webflow. We will start by adding custom code to achieve this effect and then explore how to accomplish the same using Webflow’s built-in interactions feature.

Using Custom Code

To add the subtle interaction effect with custom code, follow these steps:

  1. First, you will need to obtain the custom CSS code for the desired interaction. You can find the custom code in the project description of this tutorial.
  2. Copy the custom code snippet.
  3. Navigate to your Webflow project and access the project settings.
  4. Paste the copied code into the head section of the project settings.
  5. Replace the class names in the custom code with the actual class names used inside the navigation dropdowns.
  6. Save the changes.

Now, let’s identify the class names used inside the navigation dropdowns:

  • The list element class: "drop down list"
  • Individual item class: "drop down list item"

Update the class names in the custom CSS code accordingly and save the changes.

The custom CSS code essentially reduces the opacity of all dropdown list items when hovering inside the dropdown list. However, when hovering over an individual list item, the opacity is set to full.

Next, add a hover effect to the individual list item for opacity and set the duration, then publish the changes.

Upon previewing the website, you will notice that when inside the dropdown menu, all the items are faded, and when hovering over an individual item, it returns to full opacity. This effect is seamlessly carried across all menu dropdowns.

Using Webflow Interactions

Alternatively, you can achieve the same subtle interaction effect using Webflow’s interactions. Follow these steps to implement it:

  1. Remove the previously added custom code.
  2. Open the navigation menu in the Webflow Designer.
  3. Select the list item and add an interaction for mouse hover, applying it to all elements with the same class.
  4. Create a new mouse hover animation named "drop down list hover in" for the list item. Set the initial opacity to 100, then reduce it to 40 and adjust the duration.
  5. Create another animation for the "hover out" action, duplicating the hover in animation, reverting the opacity to 100, and save the changes.

After setting up the list, add interactions to the list items as follows:

  1. Select a list item and add a mouse hover interaction applying to all elements with the same class.
  2. Create a new hover in animation named "list item hover in" that adjusts the opacity to 100, set the duration, and save the changes.
  3. Create a hover out animation duplicating the hover in animation, but this time reducing the opacity to 40 and save the changes.

Preview your website, and you will observe that when hovering inside the menu, all items are faded, and when hovering over an individual item, it returns to full opacity. This interaction effect seamlessly extends to all other menu items.

Whether using custom code or Webflow interactions, you can enhance your website with subtle interactions that provide a visually appealing and engaging user experience. Webflow's flexibility allows designers and developers to implement such effects efficiently and effectively.