Moving Images, Divs, and Link Blocks into Spans: Webflow Tutorial

Published on
January 25, 2023

How to Move Images, Divs, and Link Blocks into Spans within Text in Webflow

When creating a webpage, it's crucial to ensure that images, divs, and link blocks are able to resize and wrap around text content as the font size changes. This can be achieved by moving these elements into spans within the text. In this tutorial, we'll learn how to accomplish this using Webflow, a popular web design tool.

Getting Started

To begin with, let's select a word inside our heading and wrap it with a span. This can be done by selecting the desired word and giving it the class of "span-wrapper." Set the span to "inline-block" to ensure it closely wraps around the text, and also set it to "position: relative" to enable absolute elements inside it.

Moving Images into Spans

We'll now proceed to move an image into the created span. In Webflow, dragging an image inside a span directly is not possible, so we'll use jQuery to achieve this. Select the image and give it the class of "span-element."

To size the image based on the text, drop a div into the page and give it the class of "hide-this." Set it to "inline-block" for the time being. Inside the div, insert a text block with the desired word.

Next, drag the image inside the hidden div with the text. This span element should be positioned absolutely to the bottom, so its parent "hide-this" needs to be set to "position: relative." Adjust the size and transform properties of the image to ensure that it adapts dynamically based on the text size.

Incorporating Additional Spans

To include more spans, duplicate the process by creating additional span wrappers and span elements for other text and images. This ensures that all content within the page can be easily structured and manipulated as needed.

Custom Base Class

For a more customized approach, a custom base class can be created. The new class could be named "Home-CTA-Span" and set to "inline-block" with specific height, width, and margin properties.

This base class can then be applied to different spans within the content to ensure consistency in their appearance and behavior.

jQuery Implementation

Once all the necessary spans and elements have been set up, we can write jQuery code to automate the process of moving elements into text spans. By using a jQuery "each" loop, we can iterate through each span wrapper and its related span element, effectively connecting the correct elements with the correct wrappers.

By appending the related elements to their respective wrappers within the loop, we ensure that the content remains in the correct place and adapts dynamically in response to changes in font size, text wrapping, and browser resizing.


In conclusion, by following the steps outlined above, you can efficiently move images, divs, and link blocks into spans within your text in Webflow. This allows for greater flexibility and control over the layout and appearance of your web content, ensuring that it resizes and adapts seamlessly as text and font sizes change.

By leveraging the capabilities of Webflow and utilizing jQuery for dynamic element manipulation, you can create a more responsive and visually appealing website that provides an enhanced user experience.

I hope you found this tutorial helpful and that it has provided valuable insights into the process of structuring and managing content within Webflow. Stay tuned for more tutorials and tips on web design and development. Thank you for watching!