Implementing Complex Filters and Pagination in Webflow: Effin Suite CMS Tutorial

Published on
November 11, 2020

How to Implement Complex Filters and Pagination in Webflow

Webflow offers powerful tools for creating and managing content, including the ability to implement complex filters and pagination. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of setting up complex filters and pagination using the Effin Suite CMS library for Webflow.

Getting Started with Effin Suite CMS Library

The Effin Suite CMS library for Webflow is a powerful tool that allows you to create advanced filtering and pagination options for your website. To get started, you'll need to have a basic understanding of how the Effin Suite CMS library works.

In this tutorial, we'll be focusing on the integration of complex filters and pagination into a live example. The live example demonstrates how a filter component can be used alongside a load more component, with real-time pagination updates as the filter options change.

Setting up the Pagination Element

To implement pagination, you will first need to ensure that your collection list has native Webflow pagination applied. Although we won't be using the native pagination options, a class on the "next" button is required for the pagination to function properly.

In addition to the native pagination, you'll need to create a blank div and apply the class "pagination container" to it. This class is crucial for allowing the pagination element to be inserted into the div. You can style the div using Webflow's designer tools, ensuring that the pagination element is centered within the container.

Custom Code Integration

Once the basic setup is complete, you can move on to integrating custom code to enable the complex filters and pagination. The following steps will guide you through the custom code integration process:

1. Variable Assignment

You'll need to store the collection list class in a variable using the Effin Suite CMS library. This variable, named "projects grid," is a crucial part of both the filter component and the load more component.

var projectsGrid = new EffinSuiteCMS('your-collection-list-class');

2. Load More and Filter Component combination

You should combine the filter component and the load more component into a single script. This combined script should include the "paginate" option within the load more component. This approach ensures that the filter works seamlessly with the load more function and pagination updates in real-time.

// Combined script for filter and load more componentvar projectsGrid = new EffinSuiteCMS('your-collection-list-class');// Filter component implementationvar projectsGridFilter = new EffinSuiteCMS('your-collection-list-class');// Load more component with paginationvar projectsGridLoadMore = new EffinSuiteCMS('your-collection-list-class', {  paginate: {    enable: true  }});

3. Styling Options

You can customize the pagination element's appearance using CSS styles. Options include setting the background color, text color, active background color, active text color, and border color. These styles allow you to tailor the pagination element to fit the design of your website.

Testing and Customization

Once the integration is complete, you can test the complex filter and pagination functionalities. By applying different filter options and adjusting the number of items per page, you can observe real-time updates to the pagination element.

If you wish to customize the appearance of the pagination element further, you can utilize the class system provided by Effin Suite CMS. This allows you to interact with and style the pagination elements to match your website's design.


Implementing complex filters and pagination in Webflow using the Effin Suite CMS library provides a powerful way to enhance the user experience on your website. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can create a seamless and dynamic content browsing experience for your visitors.

For additional guidance on customizing the pagination elements further, consider exploring our separate video tutorial on styling the pagination components using custom CSS.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with a clear understanding of how to implement complex filters and pagination in Webflow. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to the Effin Suite CMS documentation for additional support and resources.