Creating a Timeline Structure Using F and Sweet CMS Library in Webflow

Published on
May 4, 2020

How to Create a Timeline Structure with the F and Sweet CMS Library in Webflow

Creating a timeline structure with the F and Sweet CMS library for Webflow allows you to build a dynamic list with alternating styles, making it look like a timeline. This tutorial will walk you through the process of using the F and Sweet CMS library to create a timeline structure in Webflow.

Introduction to F and Sweet CMS Library

F and Sweet CMS library is a powerful tool for integrating dynamic and CMS-driven content into your Webflow projects. It enables you to customize the layout and styling of dynamic content using simple markup and custom code, without the need for complex development work.

In this tutorial, we will focus on using the F and Sweet CMS library to create a timeline structure for a dynamic list in Webflow. The timeline structure will feature alternating styles for each item, creating a visually appealing and dynamic layout.


Before diving into the tutorial, it is recommended to have a basic understanding of Webflow's interface and how to work with collections and dynamic lists. You should also have the F and Sweet CMS library integrated into your Webflow project.

If you haven't set up the F and Sweet CMS library or are unfamiliar with its integration, be sure to follow the setup instructions provided by F and Sweet before proceeding with this tutorial.

Creating a Timeline Structure with F and Sweet CMS Library

Step 1: Setting Up the Collection List

In Webflow, begin by creating a collection list and populating it with the desired dynamic content that you want to display in the timeline structure. Once the collection list is set up, proceed to the next steps to apply the timeline structure using the F and Sweet CMS library.

Step 2: Adding Classes for Timeline Structure

To create a timeline structure using the F and Sweet CMS library, you will need to add specific classes to the collection list items. In this example, the classes "timeline1" and "timeline2" will be used to alternate the styles of the items in the timeline.

Step 3: Applying the Add Classes Component

Using the F and Sweet CMS library, you can utilize the "Add Classes" component to dynamically apply the timeline classes to the collection list items. The "Add Classes" component allows you to target specific elements and add custom classes to them based on set conditions.

Step 4: Defining the Class Arrays

In the custom code section of Webflow, you will define the class arrays for the timeline structure. The class arrays will specify which classes to apply to the collection list items to achieve the alternating timeline layout.

Step 5: Implementing the Timeline Layout

Once the class arrays are defined, you can run the "Add Classes" component on the instance of the collection list, passing the class arrays as parameters. This will apply the timeline classes to the collection list items, creating the desired timeline structure.

Step 6: Testing and Refining

After applying the timeline classes, preview the dynamic list to see the timeline structure in action. You can further refine the styles and layout by adjusting the added classes and their associated properties to achieve the desired visual effect.


In conclusion, the F and Sweet CMS library in Webflow provides a powerful solution for creating dynamic and visually engaging layouts, such as the timeline structure demonstrated in this tutorial. By leveraging the add classes component and custom code, you can transform a standard dynamic list into a visually appealing timeline layout with alternating styles.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can harness the capabilities of the F and Sweet CMS library to enhance the presentation of dynamic content in your Webflow projects. Experiment with different class combinations and properties to customize the timeline structure to suit your design requirements.

With the F and Sweet CMS library, you have the flexibility to create compelling and interactive layouts that elevate the user experience and showcase dynamic content in a visually compelling manner within your Webflow projects.

Additional Resources

For further exploration of the F and Sweet CMS library and its capabilities, be sure to check out the official F and Sweet documentation and tutorials, where you can find in-depth guides and examples on utilizing the library for advanced dynamic content manipulation in Webflow.

Additionally, the Webflow community forums and support resources are valuable sources for seeking assistance and sharing insights on leveraging the F and Sweet CMS library for diverse design and development scenarios within the Webflow platform.