How to Create a Hero Row with Orbiting Effect in Webflow: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Published on
July 12, 2023

Building a Hero Row with Orbiting Effect in Webflow

If you’re new to web design and development, or if you’re new to Webflow, you’re in the right place. In this tutorial, you’ll learn step-by-step how to design and build a hero row with an orbiting effect using Webflow. This tutorial is the perfect starting point for beginners who want to learn how to use Webflow and become familiar with its tools and features.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the actual build, let’s provide a little context. These streams are designed to inspire and guide you through building different designs in Webflow. In this tutorial, we’re going to focus on building a hero row with an orbiting effect. This effect is commonly seen on many websites and it’s a great way to showcase content in a unique and interesting way. The example we’ll be working on is from the Webflow Community website. It features an orbiting effect that showcases community members in a visually appealing manner.

Introduction to the Project

Let's get started by understanding the process and the initial setup of the project. The hero row that we’ll be building has an orbiting effect with images of community members rotating around a central point. Today, we’re fortunate to have Skyler, a senior designer at Webflow’s community team, to walk us through the process of building this engaging and dynamic design.

The Process

Skyler starts by walking us through the process of creating the community page. This involves exploring different design iterations and wireframes to effectively represent the vibrant and engaging Webflow community. The initial idea for the orbiting effect stems from a brand exercise aimed at revamping the design of the Webflow community. It was a last-minute push to create something exceptional to represent the vibrant community.

As a part of the explorative process, Skyler shares initial wireframe iterations in Figma, showcasing different layout options and ways of showcasing community members to encapsulate the feeling of community. The initial designs focused on representing community members in a fun and playful manner, aligning with the warm and inclusive nature of the Webflow community.

Setting Up the Elements

Before delving into the interactions and animations, Skyler sets up the elements required for the orbiting effect. These elements include a central circle representing the orbit, individual circles for the community members, and wrappers to facilitate the animation process.

He demonstrates the use of the Webflow interface to easily add and position elements. By leveraging Webflow’s display and flexbox properties, the elements are positioned and aligned to set the stage for the orbiting effect.

Styling and Initial States

After setting up the elements, Skyler proceeds to style and define the initial states of the elements. This involves ensuring that the circular structures are aesthetically pleasing and represent the distinct rings of the orbit. Additionally, Skyler utilizes Webflow’s interactions to define the initial and end states for the rotation of the community members to achieve a seamless orbiting effect.

Notably, he emphasizes the utilization of relative and absolute positioning to accurately position and rotate the elements. This trick significantly streamlines the process and ensures precise control over the animation.

Adding Interactions for Orbiting Effect

With the elements styled and positioned, Skyler proceeds to demonstrate how to add interactions to create the orbiting effect. He uses Webflow’s interaction engine to define animation triggers and keyframes, allowing the community members to smoothly orbit around the central circle.

The interactions are set to loop continuously, creating a captivating effect where the community members orbit around the central point in a synchronized manner. Additionally, by setting initial states and utilizing rotation properties, Skyler effectively creates the illusion of seamless orbiting motion.

Webflow Challenge

Before concluding the tutorial, Skyler introduces the Webflow challenge, inviting viewers to participate in a design and build challenge. This exciting opportunity allows participants to showcase their creativity by designing and building a toggle button. It provides the chance to win amazing prizes and gain recognition within the Webflow community.

In conclusion, building a hero row with an orbiting effect in Webflow is an exciting and achievable endeavor for beginners. By following the step-by-step tutorial provided in this article, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize Webflow’s design and interaction features to create dynamic and captivating designs. The tutorial also introduces the Webflow challenge, providing an opportunity for further engagement and skill development within the Webflow community. As you embark on your journey to master web design and development, Webflow is an excellent platform to explore and expand your creativity. Happy designing!