Stripe Connect for No Code Marketplaces: Payment Processing with Webflow

Published on
August 24, 2022

Introducing Stripe Connect for Processing Payments in No Code Marketplaces with Webflow

As the landscape of e-commerce and online marketplaces continues to evolve, the need for efficient payment processing systems has become paramount. For those venturing into the realm of no code marketplaces, questions about how to effectively process payments and automatically pay out sellers are commonly asked. In this guide, we will explore how to leverage Stripe Connect to streamline payment processing for your no code marketplace, specifically within the Webflow platform.

Understanding Stripe Connect

Stripe Connect, a product developed by Stripe, is a robust tool designed to facilitate payment processing for various types of marketplaces. Trusted by industry giants such as Lyft, Kickstarter, and Instacart, Stripe Connect offers a three-tiered approach to managing payments:

  1. Onboarding Users: Easily onboard users to your marketplace by gathering their business information, legal representation details, and bank account information through a streamlined onboarding process.
  2. Accepting Payments: With Stripe Connect, you can seamlessly accept payments on behalf of your sellers, providing a convenient and secure transaction experience for buyers.
  3. Automating Payouts: Perhaps the most compelling feature, Stripe Connect allows for automated and efficient payout processes, ensuring that sellers receive their earnings promptly.

While Stripe Connect has traditionally been geared towards developers for integration into applications, Stripe has made strides in catering to no code users by introducing features like payment links. However, leveraging Stripe Connect's more advanced functionalities within a no code environment remains a challenge, often requiring additional tools such as Zapier or Integromat for integration.

The No Code Approach

To address the complexities of payment processing in no code marketplaces, we'll be exploring a manual approach to utilizing Stripe Connect within the Webflow platform. We'll delve into the process of setting up a proof of concept e-commerce store using Airtable, allowing third-party sellers to add products to the store and enabling automated payouts for sales. While the manual setup may serve as a foundation, we'll also touch upon the potential for automation through platforms like

Setting Up Stripe Connect

The first step in the process involves creating and configuring your Stripe account. Assuming you've already set up your Stripe account, the next phase involves accessing the Connect tab within the Stripe dashboard and initiating the onboarding process. By providing details about your marketplace, Stripe tailors the Connect setup to align with your specific use case.

As part of the onboarding process, you'll be able to add sellers to your Stripe account, prompting them to complete a streamlined onboarding procedure to input their business information and banking details. Once a seller completes the onboarding, they will appear as a connected account within your Stripe dashboard.

Next, you'll proceed to add products to your Stripe account, defining pricing, descriptions, and images for each item. Upon adding a product, you can generate a payment link that integrates with the checkout process on your e-commerce platform. Notably, you have the option to split the payment with the connected seller, specifying the percentage allocated to your business and the seller.

Integrating with Webflow

With your payment links generated, they can be seamlessly integrated into your Webflow store or any other platform hosting your marketplace. Users can then make purchases, and the financial transactions will be tracked within both your Stripe dashboard and designated Airtable tables.

While the manual setup serves as a foundational understanding of processing payments with Stripe Connect in a no code environment, the potential for automation through tools like can further streamline the process and offer advanced functionalities such as custom dashboards for sellers to monitor their transactions and payouts.

Automating the Process

For those seeking to automate the payment processing and seller payout workflows, platforms like present an opportunity to create custom integrations and workflows. By leveraging the Stripe Connect API and diving into the documentation, users can explore advanced automation options, paving the way for a seamless and efficient marketplace operation.

Beyond processing payments for product sales, Stripe Connect can also be utilized for various other use cases, including:

  • Invoicing Service Providers: Utilize Stripe Connect to automate the payout process for service providers involved in client invoices.
  • Affiliate Payouts for SaaS Products: Set up recurring payouts for affiliates or service providers based on ongoing subscription plans, streamlining affiliate management for SaaS businesses.


In conclusion, Stripe Connect offers a robust solution for processing payments in no code marketplaces, with the potential for seamless integration into platforms like Webflow. While the manual setup provides a foundational understanding, the scope expands further with the prospect of automation through platforms like By leveraging the power of Stripe Connect, no code marketplace founders can empower sellers, streamline transactions, and create a reliable and efficient platform for buyers and sellers alike.

If you're interested in delving deeper into the automation aspect of setting up Stripe Connect in a no code environment, consider exploring our tutorial series on setting up Stripe Connect functionality using Navigate to the link provided below to access the tutorial series and gain actionable insights into automating payment processing for your no code marketplace.

With the potential for advanced automation, streamlined payment processing, and the ability to empower sellers with comprehensive transaction tracking, Stripe Connect stands as a pivotal tool in the realm of no code marketplaces, offering a seamless payment processing solution for marketplace founders and sellers alike.