Getting Started with 3D Effects in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Adding Depth and Interactivity

Published on
September 7, 2021

Getting started with 3D Effects in Webflow

Introduction to 3D Transformations

Webflow is a powerful tool that empowers designers to create visually stunning websites without having to write a single line of code. One of the features that set Webflow apart is its ability to handle 3D transformations and create engaging effects that add depth and interactivity to web elements.

In this tutorial, we will dive into the world of 3D transformations by exploring how to utilize the z-axis to create depth, exaggerate the appearance of elements, and add interactive effects to a web page using Webflow's intuitive interface.

Scaling Along the z-axis

To begin our journey into 3D transformations, let's first understand the concept of scaling along the z-axis. Scaling along the z-axis allows us to exaggerate the appearance of depth along the z-axis. In Webflow, achieving this effect is straightforward and does not require any coding knowledge.

To demonstrate this, select the element you want to apply the 3D transformation to, and then add a transform. Under the transform settings, navigate to the 'Scale' option and adjust the value specifically for the z-axis. However, initially, you may notice that nothing seems to be happening. This is because before we can see any change, we must first position the elements along the z-axis to create depth.

Creating Depth along the z-axis

Before delving into non-isometric 3D effects, it's essential to position the elements along the z-axis. Non-isometric 3D effects require depth, and without including the z-axis position, any transformations will not have the desired effect.

Setting the elements along the z-axis in Webflow allows us to create the illusion of depth and perspective within a 2D environment. By adjusting the distance along the z-axis, we can give different elements varying depths, setting the stage for more intricate 3D effects.

Applying Z-Scale and Rotation

Now that the elements are positioned along the z-axis, we can apply the z-scale transformation to exaggerate the depth. By selecting the parent element and adjusting the z-scale, we can visually observe the depth being exaggerated along the z-axis. Additionally, performing a rotation on the element further emphasizes the effect of z-scale, providing a comprehensive understanding of the 3D transformations' capabilities.

Interactive 3D Effects

The true power of 3D transformations in Webflow becomes evident when we incorporate interactive effects. One of the exciting possibilities is creating a hover effect with 3D transformations, adding a new layer of interactivity and engagement to the web elements.

To achieve this, let's start by setting the z-scale and rotation properties for the card in its normal state. It's essential to avoid setting the z-scale to zero, as this would create an unrealistic visual effect and disrupt the element's appearance. Then, we transition into styling the hover state of the card.

Styling the Hover State

Navigate to the hover state of the card and adjust the transform properties to increase scaling along the z-axis and add a rotation effect. By previewing the changes, we can witness the seamless transition and the captivating 3D effect taking place when hovering over the card.

Adding Transitions for Smooth Animation

In order to enhance the interactive 3D effect, it's crucial to incorporate smooth transitions. Head back to the normal state of the card and add a transition. Within Webflow, transitions are generally added in the normal (none) state. Choose the type of transition, such as transform, and set the duration and easing curve to achieve the desired animation effect.

By completing these steps, we have successfully created an interactive 3D effect wherein, upon hovering over the card, it undergoes a captivating transformation, adding a touch of dynamism to the web page.


Webflow's capability to handle 3D transformations and create interactive effects provides designers with a powerful set of tools to bring their creative visions to life. Through this tutorial, we have delved into the fundamentals of 3D transformations, exploring how to add depth along the z-axis, apply z-scale and rotation, as well as create interactive hover effects. By harnessing the potential of 3D transformations in Webflow, designers can elevate the visual appeal of their websites and craft engaging user experiences. So, why not try your hand at incorporating 3D transformations in your next Webflow project? With a bit of creativity and experimentation, the possibilities are truly endless.