Easy Guide to Create a CMS Slider in Webflow: Simple & Functional Slider Creation

Published on
August 27, 2021

How to Create a CMS Slider in Webflow

Are you struggling to create a native CMS slider inside of Webflow? The standard process involves adding a slider element, connecting it to a CMS collection, and then configuring each slide to display specific items. This method can be quite convoluted and time-consuming. However, there's a better way to achieve a functional CMS slider in just a few minutes using Webflow. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of creating a simple and functional CMS slider in Webflow without diving into complex coding.

Getting Started

Firstly, you'll need to add a new section where you want the slider to be placed. This can be done by scrolling down and dropping in a new section. Within the section, add a new container to hold the slider content. Since the slider is likely to overflow the section, it's important to set the overflow property to "none" to prevent horizontal scrolling on the page.

Next, add a CMS collection and connect it to the appropriate collection in your Webflow project.

Styling the Slider Content

After adding the CMS collection, it's time to customize the slider content to achieve the desired appearance. Here's a step-by-step process to style the slider content:

  1. Set the display property of the list to "flex" or "grid" to arrange the slides horizontally.
  2. Add elements for each slide within the list.
  3. Connect these elements to pull data from the CMS collection.
  4. Customize the styling of the slides to achieve the desired visual layout. This may involve tweaking the layout, text, images, and spacing to suit your design preferences.

Naming CSS Classes

To ensure that the custom code recognizes the slider and its items, it's essential to assign appropriate CSS classes to the CMS elements. Renaming the classes can provide clear identification for the custom code to interact with the slider. For example, you might rename the list to "slider list," the wrapper to "slider wrapper," and the individual items to "slider item."

Adding Custom Code

To enable the slider functionality, you'll need to add some custom code. This includes adding a style sheet to the head and JavaScript to the in-body tag. If you want the slider to appear on multiple pages, the custom code should be added to the project settings. However, if you only want the slider on a specific page, you can add the custom code to the page settings.

The custom code links and references required for this step can be found in the description of the tutorial video.

Testing the Slider

Once the custom code is integrated, you can save the changes and publish your site to see the initial implementation of the CMS slider. Visualize how the slides transition and interact with the CMS content.

Customizing the Slider

Webflow allows for further customization of the slider's appearance. For instance, you can adjust the size and layout of the cards, modify the image dimensions, or tweak the text styling to better align with your design vision. After making these changes, publish the site to see the updated CMS slider in action.

Enhancing the Slider with Navigation Buttons

To enhance the user experience and navigation of the CMS slider, consider adding back and next buttons at the bottom of the slider. This can be achieved by following these steps:

  1. Revisit the project in Webflow.
  2. Add a new div within the container and name it "slider navigation wrapper."
  3. Create divs for the back and forth buttons and name them "slider navigation" accordingly.
  4. Insert images for the back and forth buttons to serve as visual indicators for navigation.
  5. Customize and style the buttons, possibly adding margins, assigning classes for identifying previous and next slides, and tweaking the display properties for the button wrapper.

After implementing the navigation buttons, publish the site to visualize the integration of the navigation controls within the CMS slider.

Final Touches and Optimization

Once the slider and navigation buttons are in place, you may want to further refine the styling and behavior to achieve the desired look and functionality. This could involve adjustments to the visual design, interaction effects, and usability enhancements. Make sure to test the slider across various devices to ensure a seamless user experience.

With the completion of these steps, you should have successfully created a simple and functional CMS slider within Webflow in just a matter of minutes. This versatile approach allows you to easily customize and integrate a CMS slider into your web projects without the need for extensive coding knowledge.


In conclusion, creating a native CMS slider inside Webflow can be achieved with ease, streamlining the process of integrating dynamic content into a visually engaging slider. With the use of Webflow's intuitive interface and the addition of custom code, you can create a polished and responsive CMS slider that provides a seamless user experience. By following this tutorial, you can embark on building dynamic and interactive web projects with the power of Webflow's CMS and design capabilities.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to leave a comment or reach out for assistance. Now that you've mastered the creation of a CMS slider in Webflow, you're ready to elevate your web designs with dynamic content and engaging user interfaces. Happy designing!