Enhance User Experience: Creating a Table of Contents with Images in Webflow

Published on
May 17, 2023

How to Create a Table of Contents with Images in Webflow

Creating a table of contents with images in Webflow can greatly enhance user experience on your website, especially in blog post pages. In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of setting up a table of contents that allows users to click on an image and link down to specific sections on the same page. This is particularly useful for long-form content that might require navigating through different sections.

Introduction to Table of Contents with Images

The concept of a table of contents with images involves creating a navigational system within a web page, allowing users to click on specific images or links that correspond to different sections of the content. While there are existing solutions for basic table of contents, the inclusion of images adds an extra layer of visual appeal and interactivity to the user experience.

Challenges in Webflow

In Webflow, creating a table of contents with images can present some challenges, especially when attempting to integrate it with the CMS (Content Management System) fields. The traditional approach of using CMS fields for individual images and text blocks, along with the limitations on the number of CMS fields that can be added, can make it cumbersome to implement this feature seamlessly.

Understanding In-Page Anchor Linking

Before delving into creating a table of contents with images, it's important to understand the concept of in-page anchor linking. This is the process of linking specific sections within a web page, enabling users to navigate directly to those sections by clicking on relevant links or images.

In Webflow, in-page anchor linking involves creating ID tags for the specific sections to which you want to link. This will be the foundation for establishing the navigational structure of the table of contents.

To begin setting up in-page IDs for the anchor links, navigate to the CMS collections in Webflow. Identify the specific post or page for which you want to create the table of contents. Within the content of that page, add div blocks with unique IDs corresponding to the different sections. For example, you might create div blocks with IDs such as "chapter-1," "chapter-2," and so on, based on the sections of your content.

Once the div blocks with IDs are in place, they will serve as the target destinations to which the table of contents links will navigate.

Designing the Table of Contents Page

To create the table of contents design, start by adding a new page within Webflow. Within this page, add a div block and assign the same class that is used for the container on the blog template page. This ensures consistency in styling between the table of contents page and the actual blog page.

After adding the container, create a grid structure within the container to organize the table of contents items. Configure the grid to display the images and text for each section of the content.

For each item in the table of contents, such as a specific section or chapter, configure the link blocks to correspond to the respective sections' IDs created earlier. In Webflow, you can easily set up these anchor links to ensure that clicking on each table of contents item navigates to the corresponding section of the content.

Integrating the Table of Contents in CMS Collections

Once the table of contents design is ready, it needs to be integrated into the CMS collections to become a part of the dynamic content. This involves copying the HTML code generated for the table of contents design and embedding it within the rich text field of the respective CMS collection items.

After incorporating the table of contents design into the CMS collections, the dynamic content will display the table of contents with images and links, allowing users to navigate within the content of each post or page.

Styling and Customization

It's essential to consider styling and customization options for the table of contents to ensure it aligns with the overall design and branding of the website. Elements such as spacing, alignment, and mobile responsiveness should be carefully adjusted to enhance the visual appeal and user experience of the table of contents.

Webflow provides flexibility in styling and customizing elements, allowing you to fine-tune the design of the table of contents to best suit your website's aesthetic and functional requirements.

Publishing and Management

After setting up the table of contents with images in Webflow, it's crucial to manage its publication and visibility. While the table of contents design is primarily integrated into the CMS collections, it's important to ensure that the respective pages are not inadvertently shown on the live site or indexed by search engines.

Additionally, maintaining the styling and code for the table of contents is crucial to preserve its functionality. Care should be taken to ensure that any updates or changes to the website's design do not inadvertently impact the table of contents functionality.


Creating a table of contents with images in Webflow adds an engaging and practical navigation feature to your website's long-form content. While it presents some challenges, especially when integrating with CMS collections, the ability to provide users with a visual and interactive navigation experience within the content is a valuable addition to any website.

By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can successfully implement a table of contents with images in Webflow, enhancing the user experience and making it easier for visitors to navigate through your content-rich web pages.