Webflow Site Core Structure: Building, Styling, and Optimizing for SEO

Published on
August 12, 2023

How to Build the Core Structure of a Webflow Site

In this comprehensive guide, you will learn how to build the core structure of a Webflow site. We will cover the fundamental elements and best practices that are essential for creating a well-organized and accessible webpage.

Understanding the Page Wrap

The page_wrap div is a fundamental element that holds all content on the webpage. It serves as a container for copying content from one page to another. By default, it has overflow: hidden to prevent horizontal scrolling.

To create the page_wrap in Webflow:

  1. In the Webflow Designer, drag a div block onto the canvas.
  2. Give the div block a class name e.g., "page_wrap".
  3. Use the "Overflow" setting to prevent horizontal scrolling.

Components within the Page Wrap

Within the page_wrap, you can include various components such as custom code, navigation elements, and a footer. These components play a crucial role in structuring and organizing the content of the webpage.

To add components within the page_wrap in Webflow:

  1. Drag and drop custom code, navigation, and footer elements into the page_wrap div.
  2. Customize the components according to your design requirements.

Page Main for SEO and Accessibility

The page_main div, located within the page_wrap, should hold all sections on the page. It is important to tag the page_main as "main" to enhance SEO and ensure accessibility for screen readers.

In Webflow:

  1. Drag a div block inside the page_wrap and name it "page_main".
  2. Add the "main" tag to the page_main div for SEO and accessibility purposes.

Using Webflow's Section and Container Elements

Within the page_main, you can utilize the native Webflow section element, which is automatically tagged as a section for SEO and accessibility. Additionally, incorporating the Webflow container within the section allows for the direct addition of content.

To incorporate sections and containers in Webflow:

  1. Drag the "Section" element into the page_main div to create distinct sections on the webpage.
  2. Within each section, insert a "Container" element to add content directly.

Styling and Positioning Sections and Containers

By default, Webflow's section element has a position: relative style and default padding. This default styling ensures that absolute elements within the section are positioned relative to it.

In Webflow:

  1. Customize the section's padding and positioning as per the design requirements.
  2. Use the section spacing utilities to set the section's padding and apply vertical top and bottom spacing.

Applying Section and Container Utilities

Webflow provides section spacing utilities, enabling you to apply different padding sizes to sections for enhanced visual appeal and organization. Additionally, you can apply utilities to containers to manage their maximum width and page padding.

To apply utilities to sections and containers in Webflow:

  1. Add classes to sections to apply vertical top and bottom spacing utilities.
  2. Use the Max Width utilities to control the maximum width of the containers.
  3. Utilize Page Padding utilities to manage the padding within containers.

Managing Adaptive Sizes and Breakpoints

Webflow allows for the management of adaptive sizes and breakpoints by linking variables and applying adaptive sizes for a responsive design. This feature enables consistent and flexible design adjustments across different device resolutions.

In Webflow:

  1. Utilize the provided adaptive sizes and breakpoints to ensure a seamless transition across various devices.
  2. Link variables to maintain consistency in design adjustments as per breakpoints.

Enhancing Spacing and Padding Control

Customize section padding based on the specific requirements of each section, and utilize attributes and data fields to control spacing and padding for individual components.

In Webflow:

  1. Remove vertical top and bottom utilities to reset the section's padding to the default size.
  2. Use attributes and data fields to set vertical top and bottom spacing for precise spacing control.

Creating Reusable Components

The flexibility of Webflow allows for the creation of reusable components with adjustable spacing and attributes. By linking attribute values to specific fields, you can easily modify the spacing of components and ensure consistency across the webpage.

In Webflow:

  1. Create components such as hero sections with adjustable spacing attributes.
  2. Link the attribute values to fields to enable seamless spacing adjustments for reusable components.

Fine-Tuning with Custom Code and Variables

Webflow provides the option to further customize spacing and padding by utilizing custom code and variables. By modifying variables and applying custom code, you can refine the design and layout of the webpage to meet specific design preferences.

In Webflow:

  1. Access the Custom Code section to manage variables and adjust spacing attributes.
  2. Use custom code to implement variable-based spacing adjustments and fine-tune the design elements.


In conclusion, mastering the core structure of a Webflow site is essential for creating a well-organized, visually appealing, and accessible webpage. By understanding the fundamental elements, utilizing Webflow's native features, and customizing utilities and variables, you can create a cohesive and user-friendly website. Experiment with the provided tools and techniques to craft engaging and responsive web experiences using Webflow.

We hope this guide has provided you with the necessary insights and skills to build the core structure of a Webflow site effectively. Stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials on advanced Webflow techniques and best practices. Happy designing!