Enhance User Experience: Adding Classes Based on User Login Status in Webflow with Member Stack

Published on
January 24, 2020

Adding Classes Based on User Login Status in Webflow Using Member Stack

Memberships and user login statuses are crucial elements for many websites, particularly those with exclusive content or interactive features. Utilizing Webflow in conjunction with Member Stack, we can seamlessly add classes based on the user's login status. In this tutorial, we'll walkthrough using data attributes and custom code to achieve this functionality in Webflow.

Overview of the Process

  1. Understanding the Use Case
  2. Setting Up the Structure in Webflow
  3. Custom Code Implementation for Member Stack Integration

Let's dive into each of these steps in detail.

Understanding the Use Case

The primary use case for adding classes based on user login status revolves around enhancing the user experience. By applying different styles to elements depending on whether the user is logged in or not, we can dynamically represent their status and appropriately adjust the interface.

For instance, when a user is not logged in, certain buttons or elements may appear in a muted style and be non-interactive. Upon logging in, these elements can switch to a more vibrant and interactive appearance. This approach eliminates the need for duplicating elements and provides a unified design with dynamic behavior based on the user's status.

Setting Up the Structure in Webflow

To achieve this functionality in Webflow, we'll need to establish the basic structure within the Webflow Designer. Here are the essential steps for setting up the structure:

  1. Create a Member Stack Form: Begin by adding a Member Stack form to the page where user login functionality will be implemented.

  2. Elements for Different States: Design the elements, such as buttons, that will exhibit varying appearances based on the user's login status. These can include buttons for logged in and not logged in states.

  3. Define Add-On Classes: Create classes in Webflow to represent the visual styles for the logged in and not logged in states. These classes will be applied dynamically based on the user's status.

  4. Data Attributes: Utilize data attributes to specify the classes that need to be added based on the user's login status. These data attributes act as the bridge between Webflow and Member Stack for dynamically applying the classes.

Custom Code Implementation for Member Stack Integration

With the structure in place, we'll proceed to implement the custom code for Member Stack integration. Here's how we can achieve this using custom code:

<head>  <!-- Member Stack Script -->  <script src="memberstack.js"></script>    <!-- Style Definitions -->  <style>    /* Add-on Classes for Different States */    .not-logged-in {      /* Add styling for not logged-in state */    }        .logged-in {      /* Add styling for logged-in state */    }  </style>    <!-- Custom Code for Data Attribute Handling -->  <script>    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {      MemberStack.onReady.then(function (member) {        if (member.loggedIn) {          document.querySelectorAll("[data-ms-user-add-class]").forEach(function (element) {            element.classList.add(element.getAttribute("data-ms-user-add-class"));          });        } else {          document.querySelectorAll("[data-ms-no-user-add-class]").forEach(function (element) {            element.classList.add(element.getAttribute("data-ms-no-user-add-class"));          });        }      });    });  </script></head>

Let's dissect the custom code implementation:

  • Member Stack Script: Include the Member Stack script to enable seamless communication between Webflow and Member Stack.

  • Style Definitions: Define the add-on classes for the not logged-in and logged-in states. These classes will be dynamically applied based on the user's status.

  • Custom Code for Data Attribute Handling: This script checks the user's login status through Member Stack. If the user is logged in, the script fetches elements with the data-ms-user-add-class attribute and adds the specified class. Similarly, for not logged-in users, it processes elements with the data-ms-no-user-add-class attribute and applies the corresponding class.

Implementing the Functionality

Once the structure and custom code are set up, you can seamlessly incorporate this functionality into your Webflow project. Here's how it effectively works in the live environment:

  • User Experience Enhancement: When a user isn't logged in, elements styled using the data-ms-no-user-add-class attribute will reflect the appropriate visuals, indicating the not logged-in state.

  • Dynamic Updates: Upon logging in, Member Stack triggers the addition of the specified classes (defined by data-ms-user-add-class) to elements, dynamically transforming their appearance to reflect the logged-in state.

Use Cases and Benefits

The ability to add classes based on user login status presents numerous use cases and benefits, including:

  • Unified User Interface: Maintain a consistent interface for all users while dynamically adjusting visual elements based on their login status.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: By visually differentiating between logged in and not logged in states, users can easily identify their current status and engage with the appropriate content.

  • Simplified Design Management: Eliminate the need for duplicating elements or maintaining separate designs for logged in and not logged in states, streamlining the design management process.


In conclusion, integrating Member Stack with Webflow to add classes based on user login status offers a powerful method to dynamically adjust the visual presentation of elements. By leveraging data attributes and custom code, Webflow users can seamlessly enhance the user experience based on the user's login status. This approach not only simplifies design management but also contributes to a more engaging and interactive website interface.

By understanding the process and its use cases, you can effectively implement this functionality in your Webflow projects and elevate the user experience for your audience. Embrace the flexibility and dynamic nature of user status-based visual adjustments to create a more personalized and interactive website environment.