Easy Webflow Tutorial: Creating Seamless Page Transitions

Published on
July 29, 2021

Creating Perfect Page Transitions Easily in Webflow

If you're aiming for seamless and stylish page transitions on your website, this article will guide you step by step on achieving perfect page transitions easily using Webflow. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have the knowledge to implement page transitions that add a professional touch to your website without the hassle of applying them to every link or page individually.

Step 1: Setting Up the Transition Div

The first step is to add a div to the page for page transitions. Follow these steps:

  1. Drag a div onto the page, inside the page wrapper.
  2. Give the div a class of "transition" and set its position to fixed.
  3. Set the width to 100%, height to 100vh, and assign a high z-index.
  4. Keep the display set to "none" during design.
  5. On the live site, use custom code to change the display to "block" for visibility.
  6. Add content inside the transition div, like images or videos.

Step 2: Adding the Transition Trigger

Inside the transition div, add another div with the class of "transition trigger" and set its display to "none". This trigger div initiates page load and page transition interactions without individual application to links or pages.

Step 3: Creating the Page Transition Interactions

Use Webflow's interactions feature to add transition animations. Avoid initial states causing page flickers by setting everything to the desired look on page load in the designer. Follow these steps:

  1. Create the first click interaction, "move transition out", making the transition fade out.
  2. Set animations for the transition, like fading out the logo and moving the transition div.
  3. Create the second click interaction, "move transition in", to bring the transition back before navigating.

Step 4: Adding Custom Code

After creating interactions, add custom code to control page transition timing. This ensures waiting for the intro transition to finish before allowing scrolling or advancing to the next page. The code prevents transitions on specific links, like those leading to a different domain or opening in a new tab. Follow these steps:

  1. Add custom code for timing control.
  2. Publish the site to see the transitions in action.

By following these steps, you can create seamless page transitions in your Webflow project, enhancing the user experience and adding a professional touch to your website.


Creating perfect page transitions in Webflow is an effective way to elevate the user experience of your website. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily implement smooth and stylish transitions that add a professional touch to your website. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Webflow user, mastering page transitions will undoubtedly enhance the overall look and feel of your website. So, why not give it a try and take your website to the next level with these elegant page transitions?