How to Disable Spell Check in Webflow Forms: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Published on
March 12, 2021

How to Disable Spell Check in Webflow Forms


When designing web forms using Webflow, it's important to ensure a seamless user experience. One common issue that can arise is the automatic spell check feature in web browsers marking certain names or words as misspelled, even when they are not. This can be particularly frustrating for users with unique names or specific terminology. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to disable the spell check feature for a specific form field in Webflow using custom attributes.

Step 1: Selecting the Element

To begin, open your Webflow project and navigate to the form where you want to disable the spell check. Select the text field element where the spell check should be disabled.

Step 2: Accessing the Element Settings

Once the text field is selected, head over to the Elements settings panel, which is typically located in the right-hand sidebar of the Webflow interface.

Step 3: Adding Custom Attributes

In the Elements settings panel, look for the option related to custom attributes. Here, we can add a custom attribute that will disable the spell check for this specific input field.

Step 4: Adding the Attribute

Click on the option to add a custom attribute. In the dialogue box that appears, type "spellcheck" as the name of the attribute. It's important to note that there should be no spaces in the attribute name, and it should be all lowercase.

Step 5: Setting the Attribute Value

After adding the custom attribute name, set its value to "false." This instructs the browser not to spell check the specific field.

Your custom attribute settings should now look like this:

  • Name: spellcheck
  • Value: false

Step 6: Saving the Changes

Once the custom attribute is added with the appropriate value, be sure to save your changes in Webflow.

Step 7: Finalizing the Process

After saving the changes, you have successfully disabled the spell check for the selected input field in your Webflow form.

Testing the Changes

To ensure that the spell check has been disabled, publish your website and view the form in a live environment. Test the input field by typing a name or word that was previously marked as misspelled. You should notice that the red underline indicating a misspelled word no longer appears for the specified field.

Congratulations! You have successfully removed the spell check feature using custom attributes in Webflow. This simple adjustment can greatly improve the user experience for individuals with unique names or specific terminology.

Additional Considerations

  • Remember to refresh the form in your browser after making changes in Webflow to ensure that the updates are properly reflected.
  • It's important to communicate the use of this feature to users, especially if they are accustomed to seeing spell check indicators in form fields. Consider including a note near the form field to let users know that spell check has been intentionally disabled to accommodate unique names and terminology.


In this tutorial, we've walked through the process of using custom attributes to disable the spell check feature for specific input fields in Webflow forms. By following these steps, you can create a more accommodating and user-friendly experience for individuals with names or terms that are often flagged by automatic spell checkers. With these simple adjustments, you can ensure that your web forms are accessible and tailored to the needs of all users.