Design Review and Takeaways: Streamlined Navigation and Interactive UX Guide

Published on
October 18, 2022

Design Review and Takeaways for Your Own Projects

A new site design by Foreign Hey There Awards was recently released, and in this tutorial, we'll review the design and extract some valuable takeaways that you can apply to your own projects. The new design features multiple ways to navigate, with a strong emphasis on search functionality and an adaptive bottom navigation. The redesign showcases smart and seamless user experience (UX) elements, which we can learn from and potentially implement in our own designs.

Streamlined Navigation

The new site design introduces multiple navigation options. While this could potentially clutter the design, it also ensures that users spend less time searching for the content they need. Notably, search functionality becomes the primary method of navigation, which aligns with the purpose of the site as a directory. Users can easily conduct searches within specific categories, and the results are displayed in real-time, enhancing the overall user experience.

In Webflow, you can replicate this navigation approach by utilizing the search functionality and integrating real-time search result updates. Leveraging Webflow's interactions and dynamic content features, you can create a smooth and responsive search experience for your users.

Adaptive Bottom Navigation

A standout feature of the redesign is the adaptive bottom navigation. Within project pages, it functions as filters, page anchors, and a means to visit other project pages. By consolidating key actions within this bottom navigation, users can seamlessly navigate between different sections and access essential functions without the need to search for them on each page.

In Webflow, you can achieve a similar bottom navigation structure by designing it as a dynamic component. Utilize Webflow's interactions and states to ensure that the bottom navigation adapts to the context of each page, providing users with consistent and accessible navigation tools throughout their journey on your site.

Dynamic Color Adaptation and Seamless Interaction

The redesign also incorporates dynamic color adaptation on project pages, where the color scheme adapts to the specific project being viewed. This personalized touch enhances visual appeal and creates a cohesive browsing experience. Additionally, the site remembers the scroll position when users leave a project page, demonstrating thoughtful consideration for user convenience.

In Webflow, you can implement dynamic color adaptation using custom CSS and Webflow's style binding feature. By dynamically adjusting element styles based on selected parameters, you can create visually engaging and contextually relevant experiences for your site visitors.

Accessibility and User-Friendly Interaction

The new site design prioritizes accessibility by offering multiple options for users to close project pages. Whether it's through a designated button, a sticky "X" element, or simply using the "Escape" key, the design ensures that users can seamlessly exit the project pages. This focus on user-friendly interaction and intuitive functionality contributes to an overall well-considered user experience.

In Webflow, you can build similar interactive elements using Webflow's interactions and triggers, allowing users to navigate and interact with your site effortlessly. By crafting seamless interactions, you can elevate the accessibility and user-friendliness of your designs.


The redesign by Foreign Hey There Awards exemplifies thoughtful navigation, dynamic interaction, and user-centric design principles. By analyzing and extracting key takeaways from this design, we can enhance our own projects with streamlined navigation, intuitive interactions, and personalized experiences. Leveraging Webflow's robust features and design capabilities, we can implement these insights to create compelling and seamless user experiences within our own web designs. Share your thoughts and insights on these design takeaways in the comments below!