Creating Captivating Hover Effects and Animations in Webflow | Tutorial

Published on
August 16, 2021

How to Create Hover Effects and Animations in Webflow

Are you looking to add some flair and interactivity to your website? Animations and hover effects can be a great way to engage your users and enhance the overall user experience. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to effectively use animations and a few handy keyboard shortcuts in Webflow to create captivating hover effects without the need for code.

Getting Started with Animations in Webflow

Before we delve into creating our hover effects, let's first grasp the basics of applying animations in Webflow. Animations in Webflow can be easily implemented using the Interactions panel. This panel allows you to add animations triggered by various interactions, such as mouse hover, mouse click, and page load.

To start, open your Webflow project and select the element you want to apply the hover effect to. For this tutorial, we'll use a simple card element as an example. Once the element is selected, navigate to the Interactions panel and click on the "Mouse hover" trigger. Then, select "Start animation" and create a new animation, naming it something like "hover in."

Creating the Hover Effect

Our goal is to create a hover effect that reveals hidden text and changes the background color when hovering over the card element. Let's break down the steps to achieve this effect.

Adding Animation to the Text and Background Color

With the "hover in" animation selected, we'll first define the initial state of our elements. For the text, we want it to appear from the bottom and fade in as it moves upwards. To achieve this, we'll use the "Move" option to animate the upward movement and the "Opacity" option to control the fading in effect. Similarly, we'll set the initial state for the background color of the card element.

Optimizing Animation Workflow

Here's where the magic happens. To save time and effort, Webflow offers a powerful feature that allows you to streamline the animation setup process. Rather than duplicating and configuring each animation individually, we can use keyboard shortcuts to bulk select and duplicate the animations.

By holding down the control key (or command key for Mac users) and clicking on each individual animation element, you can multi-select all the elements at once. Additionally, holding down the shift key allows you to highlight a range of elements for quick selection. This nifty feature significantly speeds up the animation setup process, especially when dealing with multiple elements.

Configuring the Hover Out Animation

Once we've completed the "hover in" animation, we can efficiently create the "hover out" animation by duplicating the existing one and adjusting it to revert the elements to their original state. Using the same bulk selection and duplication techniques, we ensure a consistent and time-saving approach to crafting hover effects.

Finalizing and Testing the Hover Effect

After setting up the "hover out" animation, we can test our hover effect to ensure everything functions as intended. Preview the animation to see the text smoothly appear and the background color transition when hovering over the card element. Additionally, ensure that any potential issues, such as text overlapping the element boundaries, are addressed by toggling the "overflow hidden" property for the respective element.


Congratulations! You've successfully created engaging hover effects and animations for your web elements using Webflow. By leveraging the platform's intuitive interactions panel and mastering keyboard shortcuts, you've unlocked the potential to elevate the user experience through visually appealing and responsive animations.

Remember, the ability to efficiently implement hover effects and animations not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your website but also contributes to an immersive user experience. With these newfound skills in your arsenal, you can continue to explore and experiment with a wide range of interactive elements and animations to captivate and delight your website visitors.

In conclusion, utilizing Webflow's animation capabilities and harnessing the power of keyboard shortcuts can empower you to bring your website to life with captivating hover effects and interactive animations.

Thank you for following along, and I look forward to seeing you in the next tutorial.

This tutorial is part of a series by Sam Harrison, a web design expert and digital agency owner based in the UK.