Efficiently Implementing Subtle Interactions Using Webflow | Tutorial

Published on
October 6, 2021

Quick and Easy Website Interactions in Webflow

Adding subtle interactions to your website can make it feel more modern and engaging for users. However, individually animating every section can be time-consuming and daunting. In this tutorial, we will explore how to quickly set up subtle interactions across all the pages of our website using Webflow without the need for extensive manual adjustments.

Setting Up Shared Class for Containers

To begin, we can ensure that all the containers on our website have the same shared class. This shared class can be named, for instance, "container." By assigning this class to all our containers, we can efficiently apply interactions to all of them simultaneously, saving time and effort.

Once the shared class "container" is assigned to all the containers on the website, we can proceed to add an interaction to each of them. This interaction, such as "scroll into view," can be selected from the Webflow interactions panel. Depending on the desired effect, we can choose between "fade" or "slide" and set the direction of the animation. Additionally, giving a slight delay to the animation can further enhance the user experience.

Applying this animation to every container class ensures that as the website is loaded, each section animates in as the user scrolls down, adding a fluid and dynamic feel to the browsing experience.

Using Base Classes for Custom Interactions

While applying the same interaction to every container class provides uniformity, it may be limiting if we desire different interactions for specific sections. In such cases, we can utilize base classes to create a variety of interactions and then use these classes wherever we want the specific interaction to be applied.

To implement this, we can create a blank div and establish the different classes we intend to use for various interactions. For example, we can create classes for slide-ins from different directions and include variations with varying delays. We can then link each of these classes to a specific scroll into view interaction from the Webflow interactions panel.

By duplicating these classes and adjusting the delays or directions, we can create a range of classes representing different animations and timings. This setup enables us to have a collection of styles that can be easily applied to different sections across our website.

Applying Custom Interactions to Sections

With our assortment of classes prepared, we can swiftly add these subtle interactions to different sections of our website without the need to individually set up each element's animation.

Once we have our classes in place, we can simply copy a desired interaction class and add it to an element by editing the class field. We can repeat this process and add variations with different delays to introduce a nuanced movement effect to our sections.

Furthermore, for each section, we can choose from the available classes, such as slide-ins from different directions or fade-ins with various delays, to customize the animation as per the design and user experience requirements.

Enhancing User Engagement

By leveraging the power of shared classes and base classes in Webflow, we can efficiently introduce subtle animations and movements across different sections of our website, creating an engaging and dynamic browsing experience for users.


In conclusion, implementing website interactions in Webflow doesn't have to be a time-consuming task. By utilizing shared classes for containers and base classes for custom interactions, we can quickly and effectively add fluid and modern movements to our website without the need for manual adjustments to every element.

We hope you found this tutorial on setting up website interactions in Webflow helpful. If you have any further questions or suggestions for future tutorial topics, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for watching, and stay tuned for more insightful tutorials. Happy designing in Webflow!