Create Dynamic and Engaging Designs with F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow

Published on
May 4, 2020

Using F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow

Webflow is an intuitive and versatile website building platform that allows users to visually design and develop websites without the need to write code. The F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow provides users with even more power to create dynamic and responsive designs. In this article, we will explore the F'n Sweet CMS Library and how to implement it in Webflow to enhance the layout and appearance of dynamic lists.

Understanding the Add Classes Feature

The F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow includes the "Add Classes" feature which allows users to add unique classes inside dynamic lists. This functionality enables the creation of various layouts, animations, and design variations that may not be achievable within a standard dynamic list. The "Add Classes" feature is incredibly flexible and empowers users to customize the structure and appearance of their dynamic content.

Benefits of Add Classes

One of the key benefits of using the "Add Classes" feature is its visual nature. Users can build their desired structures within Webflow and then dynamically apply add-on classes using the F'n Sweet CMS Library. This approach streamlines the design process and eliminates the need for manual CSS coding, making it accessible for beginners and seasoned Webflow users alike.

Creating Unique Layouts and Animations

With the "Add Classes" feature, the possibilities for layout and animation customization within dynamic lists are virtually limitless. Let's explore some common use cases where this feature can be leveraged:

Classic Flip Left/Right Layout

By utilizing the "Add Classes" feature, users can effortlessly create classic flip left/right layouts within dynamic lists. This layout variation adds visual interest and can be applied to elements such as image galleries or feature lists.

Ridiculous Irregular Cards

The "Add Classes" feature enables the creation of irregular card layouts, giving designers the freedom to experiment with unconventional shapes and styles within a dynamic list.


Users can implement a timeline layout within a dynamic list, showcasing chronological content in a visually engaging manner. The "Add Classes" feature allows for the seamless integration of timeline elements into the design.

Implementing the Add Classes Feature

Step 1: Creating an Array

To begin using the "Add Classes" feature, users need to create an array to define the classes that will be added to the dynamic list. An array represents a list of items, and in this context, it serves as a means of pairing target classes with the classes to be added dynamically.

Step 2: Defining Class Pairings

Within the array, users specify the pairs of classes to be added to the dynamic list. For instance, the array can include instructions to add the "flip row" class and the "flip image" class to specific target elements.

Step 3: Running the Add Classes Component

Once the array is established, the next step involves running the add classes component with the defined list. This action triggers the dynamic application of the specified classes to the target elements within the dynamic list.

Understanding Frequency and Start Parameters

The "Add Classes" feature introduces the concepts of frequency and start parameters, which significantly contribute to its flexibility and customization capabilities. These parameters allow for precise control over when and how frequently the classes are added within the dynamic list.


The frequency parameter determines how often the specified classes are added to the dynamic list. Users can dictate the frequency, such as adding classes to every second, third, or fourth item in the list.


The start parameter specifies the position within the list from which the class additions should commence. It enables users to precisely define the starting point for applying the specified classes within the dynamic list.

Visual Explanation

Visual representations of frequency and start parameters provide a clear understanding of their impact on the dynamic list. Users can visualize how the frequency and start parameters affect the application of classes to the list items, such as alternating left-right sections or creating featured items within the layout.

Practical Examples of Frequency and Start Parameters

To illustrate the practical application of frequency and start parameters, let's delve into specific examples:

Alternating Left-Right Section

By setting a frequency of 2 and a start position, users can create an alternating left-right section within the dynamic list, achieving a visually engaging layout pattern.

Customizing the frequency and start parameters allows for the differentiation of featured and regular items within the dynamic list, providing a structured and visually appealing content presentation.

Customized Layout Structures

Users can experiment with various frequency and start combinations to achieve complex and unique layout structures within the dynamic list. The flexibility of these parameters enables the creation of diverse design patterns.

Establishing Add-On Classes within Webflow

A significant advantage of using the "Add Classes" feature is the ability to define add-on classes visually within Webflow. Designers can utilize the Webflow interface to set up and style the add-on classes, seamlessly integrating them into the design process.

Benefits of Visual Definition

By visually defining add-on classes within Webflow, users can leverage the platform's capabilities to create and customize the styles of the classes directly. This approach eliminates the need to manually write CSS, streamlining the design workflow and enhancing efficiency.

Ease of Use

Once the add-on classes are defined within Webflow, they can be readily applied to the dynamic list elements using the F'n Sweet CMS Library. This seamless integration allows for the effortless utilization of the defined styles without the complexities of manual CSS authoring.


The "Add Classes" feature of the F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow offers an innovative and powerful tool for creating dynamic and visually engaging layouts within dynamic lists. By understanding the array, frequency, and start parameters, as well as the visual definition of add-on classes within Webflow, users can unleash their creativity and design unique and interactive content presentations. Whether it's implementing classic flip left/right layouts, experimenting with irregular card designs, or crafting intricate timelines, the "Add Classes" feature empowers designers to push the boundaries of web design within the Webflow platform. With its intuitive and visual approach, the F'n Sweet CMS Library opens up a world of possibilities for dynamic content creation and design customization.

In summary, the "Add Classes" feature is a game-changer for Webflow users, offering a streamlined and visually-driven method to enhance dynamic lists with dynamic and engaging styles and layouts. From visualizing complex array structures to applying frequency and start parameters, the possibilities with the "Add Classes" feature are limitless. Embrace the power of the F'n Sweet CMS Library for Webflow, and embark on a journey of creativity and innovation in dynamic content design and development.