Create an Interactive Glass Morphism Card Tutorial in Webflow for Realistic Effects

Published on
January 12, 2021

Create an Interactive Glass Morphism Card in Webflow

In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating an interactive glass morphism card on the web using Webflow. Glass morphism is a design trend that involves translucent, frosted glass-like elements with subtle lighting effects. We will build a card that rotates in all directions upon hovering and features a realistic glass effect with light shining on it.

Setting up the Project in Webflow

To begin, open your Webflow project and create a container with a background image. Within this container, drag a div and name it "hero card." Set the width and height to the desired dimensions for the card.

The most crucial part of achieving the glass effect is applying a background blur. You can add this effect by dragging an HTML embed onto your page and pasting the provided code into it. Make sure the class name in the code matches the name of your card. Upon doing this, you will notice the background becomes blurred behind the card.

To enhance the glass effect, add a gradient to the div. In the background section, click on the plus sign to add a gradient. Make the white color 10% opaque or completely transparent and set the second color to around 30-40% opacity. Adjust the angle of the gradient to create a shining effect. To achieve a highlight on one of the corners, set one of the gradient stops to 0% opacity.

You can further customize the card by rounding the corners, adding a white border, and adjusting its opacity for a more realistic look. Additionally, consider adding opacity to the container div to enhance the transparency effect.

Adding Content to the Card

Within the "hero card" div, create another div named "hero card content." This inner div should occupy 100% width and height of the parent div. Inside this content block, add another div to contain the logo and other elements you want to display on the card. Use flexbox to position the logo and other elements within the content block. Ensure the logo is fixed to the left and the icon is fixed to the right.

Duplicate the content block and use flexbox to position the duplicate at the bottom of the card. This duplication ensures elements such as a chip and a credit card number can be added to the bottom of the card. With the elements in place, add a bit of padding to the entire content div to ensure the elements are not touching the edges of the card.

Creating the Glass Effect

To bring the glass effect to life, add a dark spot or shadow to the card. Insert a div within the "hero card content" and position it absolutely at the top left of the card. Give this div a width and height larger than the card and set its background to a radial gradient with dark and light spots. Use negative margin to position the shadow over the card, and set the overflow of the content div to hidden to contain the shadow within the card.

Add 3D perspective to the card by adjusting the child perspective in the interaction settings. This creates a more realistic 3D space when the card is rotated.

Applying Interactions

To make the card interactive, add mouse-based interactions to the card. Create a new interaction and set it to respond to mouse movement over the element. Within the interaction, apply rotations based on the mouse position to create an immersive hovering effect. Additionally, add animations to move the shadow based on the mouse position, ensuring that it complements the movement of the card.


By following these steps, you can create an engaging and visually appealing glass morphism card using Webflow. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for beginners to understand the process of building interactive web elements with realistic effects. With a little creativity and experimentation, you can further enhance the card and explore additional interactions to elevate your web design skills. If you wish to explore more interactions like the one demonstrated in this tutorial, consider subscribing for future tutorials. This tutorial provides a foundational understanding of creating interactive elements and sets the stage for further experimentation and exploration in web design.