Create a Dynamic Liquid Navigation Bar with Webflow and Custom Code: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Published on
March 30, 2022

Building a Liquid Navigation Bar in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will explore how to create a dynamic and visually appealing liquid navigation bar using Webflow and custom code. The liquid effect will be based on a design shown [here](insert link) and can be implemented through a step-by-step process combining Webflow's features with some custom code.

Creating the White Navigation Bar

The first step is to create the white bar that contains the navigation links in Webflow. To do this:

  1. Create a 'div' and set its padding to 0.3em on all sides to create a border around the links.
  2. Apply a radius of 100 viewport width to round off the edges.
  3. Inside the 'div', place another 'div' with the class "menu" to hold the links and set its position to relative.
  4. Within the menu, add a link block with the class "menu_link" and give it padding of 1.2em for the top and bottom, and 1.7em for the sides. Also, set its position to relative.
  5. Place a paragraph inside the menu link with the class "menu_link_text" and set the text to "Home". Duplicate this for other links.

Implementing Liquid Effects Using Custom Code

Creating the Liquid Effect

To achieve the liquid effect, we will use some custom code to manipulate the width and position of the navigation bar shape dynamically. To do this, we will be using jQuery to handle interactions and animations.

  1. Animation of the Shape: The shape should stretch towards the link being clicked and return to its original width once the motion is completed. This is done by animating the width of the shape background. We use the 'difference' blend mode for the menu links to create an inverted effect based on the shape's color underneath.

  2. Animating the Width: The width of the shape is animated to be wider than its parent while moving and then returns to 100% width when the movement is finished. By animating the width property, we achieve the liquid animation effect.

  3. Handling Link Clicks with jQuery: To ensure the animation is seen before navigating to a new page, we prevent the default action of the navigation links using jQuery's preventDefault() method when clicked.

Implementing the Liquid Effect with Custom Code

  1. Managing Interaction Events: In jQuery, we add a one-click event listener and prevent the default action of the links to ensure the animations are displayed before proceeding to the new page.

  2. Custom Function To Move the Shape: A custom function called 'moveShape' is created to handle the movement of the shape based on the link clicked. This function takes the target link element and adjusts the width and position of the shape accordingly.

  3. Handling Page Navigation: We use the setTimeout method in JavaScript to wait for the shape animation to complete before redirecting the user to the new page. This is achieved by using the window.location property and setting it to the URL extracted from the clicked link.

Addressing Responsive Behavior and Additional Effects

To ensure the liquid navigation bar works responsively and to address additional effects, we apply the following techniques:

  1. Handling Responsive Behavior: We use a window resize event in JavaScript to recalculate the position and width of the shape based on the current screen dimensions.

  2. Managing the 'Current' Page Link: Webflow gives the current page link a combo class of "w--current". To ensure the current link is highlighted by default, we apply the liquid effect for the current link on page load.

  3. Mitigating Flicker and Adding Animations: To avoid flickering when navigating between pages, we use CSS to hide and show a placeholder shape inside the links. This helps to make the transition smoother and prevents flickering.

  4. Modularizing the Animation Speed: We make the animation speed modular by creating a variable to control the duration of the animations. This way, the animation's speed can be adjusted from a single location without modifying the whole code.

By combining Webflow's design capabilities with custom JavaScript and jQuery code, we have successfully created a captivating liquid navigation bar. The techniques demonstrated provide an understanding of how interactivity and animations can be implemented in a web design tool like Webflow, coupled with custom code, to achieve dynamic and visually appealing results.

By combining Webflow's design capabilities with custom JavaScript and jQuery code, we have successfully created a captivating liquid navigation bar. The techniques demonstrated provide an understanding of how interactivity and animations can be implemented in a web design tool like Webflow, coupled with custom code, to achieve dynamic and visually appealing results.