Building a Custom Video Player in Webflow: Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
June 12, 2023

Building a Custom Video Player in Webflow

Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to build a custom video player in Webflow. In this tutorial, we'll go through the entire process of creating a dynamic and interactive video player similar to the one found on the SpaceX website. We'll break down the build into four parts and demonstrate how to make the video player dynamic using Webflow's CMS collection.

Understanding the Concept

Before we delve into the actual building process, it's crucial to understand the concept behind the custom video player that we're aiming to create. The video player has two main components – the content area and the video lightbox. When the user interacts with the video thumbnail, the content slides up, the video lightbox appears, and the video begins playing. On closing the lightbox, the content slides back down to its original position, creating a seamless and interactive experience.

Setting up the Visual Structure

To begin building the custom video player, we first need to set up the basic visual structure of the player in Webflow. This includes the page wrapper, content area, video thumbnail, rich text, and the video lightbox.

Setting up the Page Wrapper

  1. Create a div and name it "page-wrapper."
  2. Set the overflow to "hidden" to ensure that the content stays within the browser window.
  3. Add padding of 42px to ensure the content does not reach the edges of the browser window.

Adding the Content

  1. Create another div within the "page-wrapper" and name it "content."
  2. Inside the content div, add a link block for the video thumbnail.
  3. Insert an image and a play button inside the link block.

Incorporating the Video Lightbox

  1. Create a sibling div outside the page wrapper and name it "lightbox."
  2. Set the position to "fixed" and the z-index to a high value (e.g., 1000) to ensure it overlays other elements on the page.
  3. Set the background of the lightbox to black for better visibility.

Building Interactions

Now that we have set up the visual structure, we can move on to creating interactions to make the video player dynamic and interactive.

Opening the Video Lightbox

  1. When a user clicks on the video thumbnail, initiate an animation to open the lightbox.
  2. Use the move interaction to slide the content div up by 200 pixels with an easing effect for a smooth transition.
  3. Duplicate the move interaction to reset the content's position back to its original state after the lightbox is open.
  4. Apply the necessary easing and duration for a polished sliding effect.

Closing the Video Lightbox

  1. Similarly, when the close button is clicked, create an animation to close the lightbox.
  2. Adjust the position of the content and the lightbox to their initial states using the move interaction.
  3. Implement fading effects to enhance the user experience, such as fading in the YouTube video upon opening the lightbox and fading it out upon closing.

Making the Video Player Dynamic with Webflow CMS

Once we have established the functionality of the video player, the next step is to make it dynamic using Webflow's CMS collection. This enables us to easily manage and display multiple videos with associated metadata.

Creating a Videos Collection

  1. Set up a CMS collection for videos with fields such as name, slug, YouTube ID, and rich text.
  2. Populate the collection with video details, including the YouTube ID for each video.

Integrating the CMS Collection with the Video Player

  1. Bind the video title and the rich text fields from the CMS collection to the appropriate elements on the video player.
  2. Update the YouTube ID in the video lightbox to be dynamic, enabling it to pull the correct video details from the CMS collection for each video.

Adding Custom Code for Advanced Functionality

To further enhance the video player's functionality, we can incorporate custom code for actions like stopping the video when the lightbox is closed and resuming it when the lightbox is reopened.

Implementing Custom jQuery Code

We can use jQuery to manipulate the YouTube video's embedded code. For instance, we can set a script to clear the video source when the lightbox closes and restore it when the lightbox opens, ensuring that the video playback is completely controlled and seamless.

By following this comprehensive guide, you can create a custom video player in Webflow with dynamic CMS integration and stylish interactions for a captivating user experience. With Webflow's intuitive interface and robust features, building such interactive components becomes a seamless and enjoyable process.

In conclusion, the potential of Webflow to create custom, interactive elements such as the video player demonstrated in this tutorial showcases its versatility as a web design and development tool. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, Webflow empowers you to bring your creative visions to life, and with practice, you can craft compelling and engaging website components that elevate user engagement and drive conversions.