Build a Dynamic Pricing Calculator Using Webflow | HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Published on
August 7, 2020

Create a Powerful Pricing Calculator with Webflow

Creating a pricing calculator with checkboxes, radio buttons, and select fields is a powerful feature that can enhance the user's experience while interacting with your website. In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a robust pricing calculator using Webflow, combining the concepts from previous hacks to create a comprehensive solution. We'll delve into the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required to implement this feature, allowing users to select options and see the total cost dynamically.

Getting Started

Understanding the Components

Before diving into building the pricing calculator, it's essential to understand the components involved. We'll be working with checkboxes, select fields, and radio buttons to create a dynamic pricing system. Each form element will have specific classes and data attributes that play a crucial role in calculating and displaying the total value.

Classes and Data Attributes

We'll utilize class names such as "hack 42 checkbox label," "hack 44 select add-on," and "hack 43 radio label" to target these form elements effectively. Additionally, we'll apply data attributes to assign values to each input element. For checkboxes, the value will be directly applied to the checkbox. For select fields, we'll use the values in data attributes to assign the appropriate values. The radio buttons will also have specific "add value" data attributes, enabling us to capture and calculate their values.

Implementation in Webflow

Designing the Form

In the Webflow Designer, we'll set up the form, incorporating the necessary checkboxes, select fields, and radio buttons. Each element will be styled and organized according to the requirements of the pricing calculator. We'll ensure that the classes and data attributes are correctly assigned to the form elements, as these will be instrumental in the dynamic pricing calculation.

Working with JavaScript

Checkbox Interaction

We'll delve into the JavaScript logic to handle user interactions with the checkboxes. The script will detect checkbox clicks, retrieve the associated values, and update the total sum accordingly. If a checkbox is checked, its value will be added to the total sum, and if it's unchecked, the value will be subtracted from the sum.

Radio Button Functionality

The JavaScript code will manage the radio button interactions by monitoring the selections within different radio groups. Depending on the user's choices, the script will calculate the cumulative value by combining the selected options from distinct radio groups.

Select Field Handling

For the select fields, the JavaScript will capture the changes in the selected options and update the total sum based on the new selections. Similar to the checkboxes and radio buttons, the script will accurately track the values associated with the chosen options.

Formatting and Displaying the Total Value

Upon calculating the total sum, the JavaScript will format the value to enhance the user experience, such as adding commas to large numbers. The formatted sum will then be displayed on the webpage, allowing users to see the updated total cost as they interact with the form elements.

Form Submission

We'll ensure that the calculated total value is included in the form submission. By updating the hidden input field with the formatted sum, the value will be sent through with the form, providing a complete overview of the user's selected options and the associated costs.


In conclusion, implementing a pricing calculator with checkboxes, radio buttons, and select fields in Webflow can significantly enhance the user experience. By utilizing specific classes, data attributes, and JavaScript logic, users can dynamically interact with the form elements and see the total cost instantly. This comprehensive solution provides a powerful quoting and price display system that can be seamlessly integrated into your website. With a clear understanding of the components, meticulous design implementation, and robust JavaScript functionality, you can create a compelling pricing calculator to elevate your web presence.

By leveraging these techniques, you can empower your users to make informed decisions and gain valuable insights into the pricing options available to them. With the ability to track and calculate the total cost in real-time, your website can offer a seamless and interactive experience, ultimately leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction.

Remember that this comprehensive pricing calculator solution is a testament to the versatility and capabilities of Webflow, showcasing the platform's potential for creating dynamic and interactive web experiences.

If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions about the implementation, feel free to seek assistance and guidance from the Webflow community and resources. Cloning the provided project and experimenting with the code will also aid in gaining a deeper understanding of the pricing calculator functionality within Webflow.

Let's embrace the power of dynamic form elements and create engaging and user-friendly pricing calculators using Webflow!