A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Using Variables in Webflow | Web Design Essentials

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November 10, 2023

A Beginner's Guide to Using Variables in Webflow

Variables are a crucial aspect of web design that allow you to contain specific values for reuse throughout your site, offering the flexibility to make changes in one place and have them reflected throughout the entire project. In Webflow, variables can be used to streamline the design process and ensure consistency across various elements of your website. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the concept of variables, demonstrate their application in the Webflow Designer, and outline the steps for creating, applying, editing, managing, unlinking, and deleting variables within your web projects.

Understanding Variables and Their Importance

Before delving into the practical aspects of working with variables in Webflow, it's essential to understand their significance. Variables are like containers that hold specific values, such as colors, sizes, fonts, and more, allowing these values to be reused throughout your website. This means that any changes made to a variable will have a global impact, propagating throughout the project wherever the variable is being used. This is particularly beneficial when managing a large website, as it enables you to make site-wide updates quickly and ensures consistency in design elements.

Variables vs. Classes

In comparison to classes, which are used to style specific elements on a page, variables offer global control over reoccurring design attributes. For instance, if you were to change a color value stored in a variable, it would update everywhere the variable is used. This distinguishes variables from classes, where changes are limited to the specific elements associated with the class.

Using Variables in the Webflow Designer

Let's explore how you can create, apply, edit, manage, unlink, and delete variables in the Webflow Designer to optimize your web design workflow.

Creating a New Variable

  1. To create a new variable in the Webflow Designer, navigate to the variables panel.
  2. Click on the "New variable" button to initiate the creation of a new variable.
  3. Specify a name for the variable, for example, "Brand," and save it.

Applying Variables to Elements

  1. Once you have created the variable, you can apply it to various elements on your site. For instance, selecting a text element and navigating to the Style panel enables you to choose the color variable you created, thereby applying it to the selected text.

Editing Variables

Modifying a variable is where the real power of variables becomes apparent. When you change a variable's value, it automatically updates every element using that variable, showcasing the efficiency of using variables for site-wide changes.

Managing and Grouping Variables

Organizing variables is pivotal for maintaining a structured workflow. In the variables panel, you can group related variables together. By renaming variables using the "Group name/Variable name" format, you can categorize and manage them effectively.

Unlinking Variables

Should you decide to remove a variable from a specific class or element, simply unlink it. This detaches the variable from that class, allowing you to update the class independently.

Deleting Variables

When a variable is no longer required, you have the option to delete it. However, it's crucial to note that deleting a variable does not impact where it was previously used. The values from the deleted variable remain intact in their respective places. If necessary, you can restore or officially unlink these values from the deleted variable.


In conclusion, variables in Webflow offer a powerful way to manage and maintain consistency in your web designs. By using variables, you can efficiently apply global changes, ensure design uniformity, and streamline the design process. This comprehensive guide equips beginners with the knowledge and practical insights necessary to harness the potential of variables in Webflow, enabling the creation of dynamic and adaptive web designs.