Webflow Tutorial: Disabling Body Scrolling for Better User Experience

Published on
June 26, 2020

Disabling Body Scrolling in Webflow

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to disable body scrolling when a modal is open in Webflow. This is an essential feature for improving the user experience, especially when dealing with modals that involve scrolling content. We'll explore how to achieve this without diving into coding by utilizing Webflow's interactions and class adder tool.

Understanding the Problem

To grasp the issues associated with body scrolling when a modal is open, let's visualize the problem. Without implementing the lock body feature, users may unintentionally scroll the entire body content when interacting with the modal. This can significantly impact the user experience, particularly on mobile devices.

Implementing the Solution

To tackle this problem, we will utilize Webflow’s interactions and the class adder tool. The class adder tool will help us dynamically add and remove a class to the body element, which will control the scrolling behavior when the modal is open.

Getting Started with Webflow Interactions

First, it’s important to note that the modal’s open and close interactions are facilitated through Webflow interactions. Webflow interactions can seamlessly complement the class adder tool. When setting up our interactions, the focus should be on adding a class called “no-scroll” to the body upon opening the modal and removing it upon closing the modal.

Add the "No-Scroll" Class

When the open modal button is clicked, we want to add the “no-scroll” class to the body element. This will prevent body scrolling when the modal is open. Similarly, upon clicking the close modal button, we will remove the “no-scroll” class from the body.

Utilizing Webflow Designer

Within the Webflow designer, we have the ability to tie these interactions directly to the elements involved in opening and closing the modal. By using the interactions panel, we can specify the triggers and the related actions.

Setting Up Class Adder

To implement the class adder in Webflow, we can utilize the interactions panel and specify the triggers for adding and removing the “no-scroll” class to the body.

Testing and Publishing

After setting up the interactions and class adder, it’s important to test the functionality within the Webflow designer before publishing the changes. This will ensure that the modals behave as intended, with the body scrolling being disabled when the modal is open and re-enabled when the modal is closed.

Steps to Achieve the Disabling Body Scrolling in Webflow

Let's go through the steps required to implement the disabling of body scrolling when a modal is open in Webflow.

Step 1: Understanding the Importance

It’s important to understand the significance of disabling body scrolling, especially when dealing with modals that contain scrollable content. This helps in maintaining a seamless user experience and prevents accidental scrolling of the body when the modal is open.

Step 2: Webflow Interactions

Ensure that the modal open and close interactions are set up using Webflow interactions. These interactions will be responsible for triggering the addition and removal of the “no-scroll” class to the body element.

Step 3: Using Class Adder

Utilize the class adder tool within Webflow to dynamically add and remove the “no-scroll” class to the body element based on the modal open and close interactions. This will control the body scrolling behavior.

Step 4: Testing and Refinement

After setting up the interactions and class adder, thoroughly test the functionality within the Webflow designer to ensure that the body scrolling is effectively disabled when the modal is open and re-enabled when the modal is closed. If required, make any necessary refinements to the interactions.

Step 5: Publishing

Once the functionality is tested and confirmed to be working as expected, proceed to publish the changes in Webflow. This will make the disabling of body scrolling live on your website.


By following these steps, you can effectively disable body scrolling when a modal is open in Webflow, thereby enhancing the user experience. Remember, the combination of Webflow interactions and the class adder tool can be powerful in achieving this functionality without delving into complex coding.

If you have any questions or need further assistance with implementing this feature in Webflow, feel free to reach out to the support team at FinnSuite. We are dedicated to helping you succeed in your Webflow projects. Thank you for learning with us at FinnSuite!