Adding and Animating Text Strokes in Webflow: A Step-by-Step Guide

Published on
June 24, 2022

Adding and Animating Text Strokes in Webflow

In this tutorial, we will learn how to add text strokes and animate them in Webflow. Adding a text stroke involves creating an outline around text to make it more visually appealing, while animating a text stroke allows for dynamic effects when users interact with the text on a webpage. We will break down the process into two parts — adding a text stroke and animating a text stroke.

Adding a Text Stroke

To add a text stroke in Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Text : Choose the text element to which you want to add a stroke.

  2. Make the Fill Transparent : Once the text is selected, set the fill color to transparent. This makes the text invisible but prepares it for the stroke application.

    • Example : If you have a heading selected, make the fill transparent.
  3. Adding the Stroke : After making the fill transparent, locate the "More type options" in the web design panel. Under "More type options," go to "Stroke."

    • Increase the Width : Increase the width of the stroke to make it visible.
    • Adjust Color : Change the color of the stroke to a visible color to make the text legible.

By following these steps, you can easily add a text stroke to your text elements in Webflow. You can also pair text strokes with background colors or gradients, and further customize them using CSS properties in the Style panel.

Animating a Text Stroke

Animating a text stroke involves creating dynamic effects when users interact with the text. Here's how to animate a text stroke in Webflow:

  1. Set Up the Styling : Apply a stroke and no fill to the selected text. Ensure that the fill color is set to transparent.

  2. Add Text Shadow : Apply a text shadow to the text element. Initially, the text shadow might not look visually appealing.

    • Adjust the Text Shadow : Modify the color and blur of the text shadow to make it appear as a fill for the text.
    • Example : Set the blur to zero and the distance to zero for the text shadow.
  3. Create Hover State : Switch to the hover state of the text element. In the hover state, adjust the text shadow and add a transform to achieve the animated text stroke effect.

    • Modify Text Shadow : Change the distance of the text shadow in the hover state to separate it from the text stroke.
    • Add Transform : Incorporate a transform effect to move the text stroke in the hover state.
  4. Add Transitions : Set up transitions for the text shadow and transform properties to animate the text stroke effect.

    • Transition for Text Shadow : Apply a transition for the text shadow property, modifying the duration of the effect as per your preference.
    • Transition for Transform : Implement a transition for the transform property, aligning its duration with the text shadow transition.

By following these steps, you can create an animated text stroke in Webflow. The text stroke will exhibit dynamic effects when users interact with the text on your webpage.


In conclusion, using Webflow allows you to effortlessly add and animate text strokes to enhance the visual appeal of text elements on your website. Whether it's applying a simple text stroke or creating captivating animations, Webflow provides a user-friendly platform for achieving these design effects without the need for extensive coding. Embrace the creative possibilities offered by text strokes and animations to elevate the visual experience of your web content.