What happens to the content of an archived post's actual page in Webflow? Does an archived post still count as a CMS item towards the 2,000 item limit in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

What happens to the content of an archived post's actual page in Webflow? Does an archived post still count as a CMS item towards the 2,000 item limit in Webflow?

When you archive a post in Webflow, the content of the post's actual page is not deleted or removed. Instead, it becomes inaccessible from the published website. This means that visitors will not be able to view the archived post on your website, but you can still access and edit the content in the Webflow Editor or Designer.

Archiving a post is a useful feature when you want to temporarily hide or remove a post from your website without permanently deleting it. For example, you might archive a post if it becomes outdated or irrelevant, and you want to keep it for reference or future use.

However, it's important to note that an archived post still counts as a CMS item towards the 2,000 item limit in Webflow. The 2,000 item limit is based on the total number of items in your CMS collection, regardless of their status (published, draft, or archived). Therefore, if you have a large number of archived posts, they will still contribute to the overall count and can potentially reach the limit.

To manage your CMS item count and ensure that you stay within the limit, it's recommended to regularly review and delete any unnecessary or outdated posts, including both published and archived ones.

In summary, when you archive a post in Webflow, the content remains accessible in the Webflow Editor or Designer, but it becomes hidden from the published website. Despite being archived, the post still counts towards the 2,000 item limit in Webflow.