What could be causing the preview in Webflow to differ from the published site, and why is the picture height different?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When the preview in Webflow differs from the published site, it can be caused by various factors. Additionally, the discrepancy in picture height can be due to different reasons. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

Causes for preview and published site differences:

  1. Cache issue: The preview may be showing older versions because the browser has cached the previous version. To resolve this, try clearing your browser cache and doing a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5 or Cmd + Shift + R).
  2. Browser compatibility: Different web browsers may interpret code differently, resulting in variations between the preview and the published site. Check the site on multiple browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) to see if the issue persists across all of them.
  3. CSS conflicts: If you have custom CSS code or third-party integrations, conflicts may arise between the preview and the published site. Double-check your CSS and integrations to ensure they are working correctly in both environments.

Causes for picture height differences:

  1. Responsive design: Webflow allows you to create responsive designs, where elements adjust their dimensions based on different screen sizes. If you notice differences in picture height, check if any responsive settings or breakpoints are affecting the image size. Adjusting these settings can help align the picture height.
  2. Image settings: Webflow gives you control over how images are displayed, including size, cropping, and aspect ratio. Make sure you set the image settings consistently across all instances to ensure uniformity in picture height.
  3. Image optimization: In some cases, the picture height difference might be caused by the images themselves. Ensure that the images are properly optimized for the web and have consistent aspect ratios. If necessary, resize or compress the images to maintain consistency.

To summarize, the preview and published site differences can be caused by cache issues, browser compatibility, or CSS conflicts. The difference in picture height might be due to responsive design settings, image settings, or image optimization. By investigating these potential causes and making necessary adjustments, you can ensure alignment between the preview and published site, as well as consistent picture heights.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I ensure my Webflow site appears consistent across different browsers?
  2. What are the best practices for optimizing images in Webflow?
  3. How do I troubleshoot CSS conflicts in Webflow?