What are the two problems the person is experiencing with Webflow after moving their DNS to Cloudflare?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Problem 1: Invalid SSL certificate
When moving your DNS to Cloudflare, one problem you may encounter with Webflow is an invalid SSL certificate. This occurs because Cloudflare acts as a proxy between your visitors and your server, and by default, Cloudflare issues its own SSL certificate for your domain.

To solve this problem, you need to enable SSL on both Cloudflare and Webflow. First, make sure you have a paid plan with Cloudflare that includes SSL support. Then, go to your Cloudflare account, navigate to the SSL/TLS settings, and choose the appropriate SSL option based on your plan.

Next, login to your Webflow account and go to your project settings. Under the Hosting tab, find the SSL/TLS section and click on "Enable SSL".

** Problem 2: DNS configuration issues**
Another problem that may arise after moving your DNS to Cloudflare is DNS configuration issues. If you didn't properly configure your DNS settings in Cloudflare, it can lead to problems with accessing your Webflow site.

To troubleshoot this issue, ensure that your DNS records in Cloudflare are correctly set up. Start by verifying that you have added an "A" record or a "CNAME" record pointing to your Webflow project's subdomain. Double-check the record values and make sure they match the ones provided by Webflow.

Also, check that your Cloudflare DNS settings are set to "DNS only" for your Webflow subdomain. This will ensure that all traffic is routed directly to Webflow and not through Cloudflare's proxy.

By addressing these two common problems, you should be able to resolve any issues you may encounter after moving your DNS to Cloudflare and ensure a seamless integration with Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I configure DNS settings in Cloudflare for Webflow?
  2. What can I do if my Webflow site is not showing properly after moving DNS to Cloudflare?
  3. Why am I getting SSL errors after moving DNS to Cloudflare with Webflow?