What are some recommendations for adding CMS functionality to a Webflow project that goes beyond the capabilities of the Webflow CMS, while still being able to design in Webflow? Is there an easy way to export the code and merge it with client updates after the CMS code has been added?

Published on
September 23, 2023

To add CMS functionality to a Webflow project that goes beyond the capabilities of the built-in Webflow CMS, you can follow these recommendations while still being able to design in Webflow:

  1. Use external CMS platforms: Integrate an external content management system (CMS) with your Webflow project. This allows you to leverage the additional features and capabilities offered by these platforms. Some popular external CMS options include WordPress, Contentful, and Prismic.

  2. Export the Webflow project: Once you have designed and built your website in Webflow, you can export the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. This allows you to have full control over the codebase and work on it locally or integrate it with other tools and platforms.

  3. Integrate the CMS: After exporting the code, you can integrate the CMS functionality by connecting it to the exported website. This integration typically involves setting up API connections and mapping the appropriate fields in your CMS to the corresponding sections in your website.

  4. Pull and push updates: Once the CMS code has been added and properly integrated, you can export it again to obtain an updated version of the website. This allows you to merge any client updates with the CMS code. You can use version control systems like Git to manage these updates and ensure smooth collaboration between you and your clients.

  5. Maintain design consistency: It's important to note that when integrating external CMS platforms, you may need to make some design concessions to align with the capabilities and limitations of those platforms. However, by using Webflow's visual design tools, you can still maintain a high level of design consistency and flexibility while working with an external CMS.

To summarize, here are the recommended steps for adding CMS functionality beyond the capabilities of the Webflow CMS while still being able to design in Webflow:

  1. Use an external CMS platform.
  2. Export the Webflow project's code.
  3. Integrate the CMS functionality.
  4. Pull and push updates using version control.
  5. Maintain design consistency using Webflow's visual design tools.

By following these recommendations, you can extend the CMS functionality of your Webflow project and have more control over your code while still enjoying the benefits of Webflow's intuitive design interface.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I integrate WordPress with my Webflow project for enhanced CMS functionality?
  2. What are the best practices for exporting and merging Webflow code with an external CMS?
  3. Are there any limitations or considerations when using an external CMS with a Webflow project?