What issues can arise when trying to connect a website with Webflow CMS hosting and registered DNS with GoDaddy, especially when GoDaddy support has a different method that is counter to Webflow's method?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When connecting a website with Webflow CMS hosting and registered DNS with GoDaddy, there can be some issues that arise, especially if GoDaddy support suggests a different method than what Webflow recommends. Here are some potential issues and solutions:

  1. DNS propagation delays: Sometimes, after making DNS changes, there can be delays in the propagation process, which means it can take some time for the changes to take effect and for people to see your website on the correct domain. This is not specific to Webflow and is a common issue across the web. To minimize this, make sure to set the DNS TTL (Time-to-Live) to a lower value before making any changes.

  2. Incorrect DNS settings: One possible issue is that the DNS settings are not properly configured for the website on GoDaddy. Double-check the DNS records to ensure that they are pointing to the correct Webflow IP addresses. Webflow provides clear instructions on how to set up DNS records for your domain on different hosting providers, including GoDaddy.

  3. DNS conflicts: In some cases, there might be conflicts between the DNS settings recommended by Webflow and the default DNS settings provided by GoDaddy. If GoDaddy's support suggests a different method that conflicts with Webflow's recommendations, it's advisable to follow Webflow's guidelines, as the platform is specifically designed for hosting and managing websites built with their CMS.

  4. Caching issues: Caching can sometimes cause problems when connecting DNS with hosting services. If you've made DNS changes and are not seeing the expected results, try clearing the cache on your computer and testing on a different network or device. You can also consider flushing the DNS cache on your hosting provider's server.

  5. Inconsistent SSL certificate: If you are using SSL on your website, ensure that your SSL certificate is properly configured and matches the domain name. It's common for SSL certificates to be issued for both the www and non-www versions of a domain, so make sure to set up the SSL certificate correctly for both variations of your domain.

  6. Communication issues with GoDaddy support: If GoDaddy support suggests a method that is counter to Webflow's recommended approach, it can be challenging to find a resolution. In such cases, it's advisable to reach out to Webflow's support team for guidance, as they have specific expertise in integrating their CMS with various hosting providers.

In summary, when connecting a website with Webflow CMS hosting and registered DNS with GoDaddy, it's important to ensure that the DNS settings are correctly configured, any conflicts are resolved, and potential caching and SSL issues are addressed. Following Webflow's instructions and reaching out to their support team can help navigate any issues that may arise.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I set up DNS records for my Webflow website on GoDaddy?
  2. Why is my website not showing up on my domain registered with GoDaddy after connecting it with Webflow CMS hosting?
  3. How do I troubleshoot SSL certificate issues when connecting my Webflow website with GoDaddy DNS?