Is there a limit in Webflow to displaying only 5 specialities for each employee in a list? If so, why is there a limit and is there a solution to overcome this in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

In Webflow, there is no built-in limit to display only 5 specialties for each employee in a list. However, if you are experiencing a limitation or issue, it might be due to how you have structured your data and how you are presenting it on your website.

Here are possible reasons why you may be experiencing a limit and solutions to overcome it in Webflow:

  1. Data Structure:
  • Check if your employee data structure has a fixed limit on the number of specialties per employee. If you have set a field that only allows 5 specialties, you will need to change the data structure to allow for more.
  • Solution: Edit your data structure to allow for a larger number of specialties or remove the limit altogether.
  1. Design/Layout Limitations:
  • The limitation might be related to the design or layout of your website. For example, you might have designed a list or grid structure that only displays a maximum of 5 specialties per employee.
  • Solution: Modify your website design and layout to accommodate more specialties per employee. You can add additional sections, use tabs, or implement other design patterns to display more information.
  1. CMS Limitations:
  • If you are using Webflow's CMS (Content Management System) to manage your employee data, there might be limitations in the CMS collection settings.
  • Solution: In your CMS collection settings, check if there are any field or collection list limitations related to the number of specialties. Adjust the settings accordingly to allow for more specialties.
  1. Custom Code:
  • If you have added custom code to your Webflow project, it's possible that the code is limiting the number of specialties displayed for each employee.
  • Solution: Review your custom code and make any necessary modifications to allow for a larger number of specialties.

In conclusion, Webflow does not have a built-in limit to displaying only 5 specialties for each employee in a list. If you are experiencing this limitation, it is likely due to how you have structured your data or how you have designed your website. By reviewing your data structure, website design, CMS settings, and custom code, you can overcome this limit and display more specialties for each employee in Webflow.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I modify the number of specialties displayed for each employee in Webflow?
  2. Are there any recommended design patterns to display a large number of specialties per employee in Webflow?
  3. Can I use custom code to dynamically display an unlimited number of specialties for each employee in Webflow?