Is it possible to create modular pop-up windows with unique URLs in Webflow, similar to the ones on Dribbble? Can these content page areas also be tagged for easy navigation?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to create modular pop-up windows with unique URLs in Webflow. This can be achieved using Webflow's interactions and dynamic lists features. Here's how you can create modular pop-up windows with unique URLs in Webflow:

  1. Create a modal element: Start by adding a div block to your page and give it a class name, such as "modal". Style the div block to look like a pop-up window, with a fixed position and a semi-transparent background.

  2. Add content to the modal: Inside the modal div block, add the content you want to display in the pop-up window. This can include images, text, links, or any other type of content.

  3. Create an interaction: Select the modal div block and go to the Interactions panel. Create an interaction that will trigger the modal to appear when a specific element is clicked. For example, you can set the interaction to display the modal when a button is clicked.

  4. Set up the unique URLs: To create unique URLs for each pop-up window, you can use Webflow's dynamic list feature. Add a dynamic list element to your page and connect it to a CMS collection. Each item in the dynamic list will represent a pop-up window with its own content.

  5. Link each item to the modal: Inside the dynamic list, add a link element and connect it to the corresponding modal by using Webflow's interactions. Make sure to use the "current item" option to dynamically link each item to its associated modal.

  6. Tagging for easy navigation: To tag the content page areas for easy navigation, you can use Webflow's CMS collections feature. Create a field in your CMS collection for tags and assign relevant tags to each item in the collection. You can then create a filtering system using Webflow's built-in filtering options or custom code to display content based on selected tags.

By following these steps, you can create modular pop-up windows with unique URLs in Webflow, similar to the ones on Dribbble. Additionally, you can tag the content page areas for easy navigation and filtering.

Additional questions:

  1. How can I create a pop-up window with a unique URL in Webflow?
  2. Can I use Webflow's CMS collections to create modular pop-up windows?
  3. What are the steps to create a filtering system for content page areas in Webflow?