Is the issue with the "creation", "last edited", and "last published" fields not being visible in the ahrefs SEO toolbar due to a problem with ahrefs or a Webflow issue?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The issue with the "creation", "last edited", and "last published" fields not being visible in the ahrefs SEO toolbar is most likely a problem with ahrefs rather than a Webflow-specific issue.

Webflow provides the necessary metadata for search engines to understand the creation, last edited, and last published dates of a page. These dates are typically included in the HTML of the page and can be accessed by search engine crawlers. However, it is up to the tools, such as ahrefs, to interpret and display this information.

It's important to note that ahrefs is an external third-party tool, and Webflow does not have direct control over how they parse and display the metadata. If you are experiencing any issues with the visibility of these fields in the ahrefs SEO toolbar, it is recommended to reach out to ahrefs support for further assistance.

In summary, the issue with the "creation", "last edited", and "last published" fields not being visible in the ahrefs SEO toolbar is likely a problem with ahrefs and not a specific issue with Webflow.

To optimize this response for search engines, here are some important keywords:

  • Webflow "creation", "last edited", and "last published" fields visibility issue
  • ahrefs SEO toolbar issue with Webflow
  • ahrefs not displaying Webflow metadata correctly

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I optimize my Webflow website for search engines?
  2. What are some best practices for implementing SEO on a Webflow site?
  3. How do external SEO tools, like ahrefs, interact with Webflow websites?