How can I recreate a form with a dropdown menu in Webflow that allows for multiple selections?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To recreate a form with a dropdown menu in Webflow that allows for multiple selections, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a form element:
  • Drag and drop a Form element onto your Webflow canvas. This will act as the container for your form.
  1. Add a Select field:
  • Within the Form element, add a Select form field. You can find it under the Inputs & Selects section in the Add panel.
  • Customize the Select field label and options according to your requirements.
  1. Enable multiple selections:
  • With the Select field selected, go to the Settings panel on the right-hand side.
  • Enable the "Multiple" option. This will allow users to select multiple options from the dropdown menu.
  1. Style the dropdown menu:
  • To style the appearance of the dropdown menu, select the Select field and use the various styling options available in the Style panel.
  • You can change the font, color, size, and other visual properties to match your website design.
  1. Include a Submit button:
  • To allow users to submit the form, add a Submit button either inside or outside the Form element.
  • Customize the button's label and style it to match your website's design aesthetics.
  1. Configure form submission:
  • To handle the form submission, you can either use Webflow's built-in form handling or integrate a third-party form submission service.
  • If you choose to use Webflow's built-in form handling, select the Form element and go to the Settings panel.
  • Enable the "Send form submissions to Webflow" option and specify an email address to receive the form data.

By following these steps, you will be able to recreate a form with a dropdown menu in Webflow that allows for multiple selections. Remember to save your changes and publish your site for the form to function correctly.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I customize the appearance of a form in Webflow?
  2. Can I integrate a custom form submission service with Webflow?
  3. What other form elements are available in Webflow?