How can I avoid the visible part of a half MacBook placed on my website when scrolling in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To avoid the visible part of a half MacBook placed on your website when scrolling in Webflow, you can utilize the "overflow" property in CSS. This property allows you to control how content that exceeds the dimensions of an element is handled.

Follow these steps to achieve the desired effect:

  1. Select the element containing the half MacBook image on your Webflow site.
  2. In the right sidebar, navigate to the "Styles" tab and scroll down to the "Positioning" section.
  3. Locate the "Overflow" property and set it to "hidden". This will hide any content that extends beyond the dimensions of the element.

By setting the overflow property to "hidden", the visible part of the half MacBook image will be cropped, and any content that extends beyond the boundaries of the element will be hidden from view. This will create the desired effect of avoiding the visible part of the half MacBook when scrolling on your website.

Additionally, make sure to test the responsiveness of your design across different device sizes to ensure the clipping remains consistent and doesn't affect the overall layout of your site.


To avoid the visible part of a half MacBook when scrolling in Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Select the element containing the half MacBook image.
  2. In the "Styles" panel, navigate to the "Positioning" section.
  3. Set the "Overflow" property to "hidden" to hide any content that exceeds the dimensions of the element.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I crop an image in Webflow?
  2. Can I apply the "overflow: hidden" property to specific sections of my Webflow website?
  3. Are there any alternative methods to avoid content visibility when scrolling in Webflow?