How do I make my desktop navigation disappear and change my navigation bar to a burger icon on mobile and iPad using Webflow?
To make your desktop navigation disappear and change it to a burger icon on mobile and iPad using Webflow, you can follow these steps:
Open your project in the Webflow Designer.
Select your navigation element on the canvas or in the Navigator panel.
In the right sidebar, go to the Styles tab.
Under the Display section, uncheck the box next to "Display" to hide the navigation on desktop.
Next, you'll need to add a new element to serve as the burger icon. Select the element where you want to add the burger icon, like the body element or a separate navbar element.
Click the "+" button to add a new element.
Choose the appropriate element for your burger icon, such as a div or a button.
Style the burger icon as desired, using Webflow's styling options.
Once your burger icon is styled, it's time to add the interaction to show and hide the mobile navigation menu.
Select the burger icon element.
In the right sidebar, go to the Interactions tab.
Click on the "New Interaction" button.
Choose the interaction trigger, such as a click or tap.
Under "Affect different element(s)", select the navigation menu you want to hide or show.
Toggle the visibility of the navigation menu using the "Hide/Show" action.
Preview and test the interaction to ensure it's working as expected.
Repeat the steps above to set up the same burger icon and interaction for the iPad breakpoint, if needed.
By following these steps, you'll be able to make your desktop navigation disappear and change it to a burger icon on mobile and iPad using Webflow.
Additional Questions:
- How do I add a navigation bar in Webflow?
- Can I customize the styling of the burger icon in Webflow?
- How do I make my website responsive in Webflow?