Is it possible to remove thumbnails and change the background color and opacity of a full screen Lightbox/Slideshow in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, it is possible to remove thumbnails and change the background color and opacity of a full screen Lightbox/Slideshow in Webflow. Here's how you can achieve it:

Removing thumbnails:

  1. Select the Lightbox/Slideshow element on your Webflow canvas.
  2. In the Style panel on the right-hand side, click on the "Slideshow" or "Lightbox" tab (depending on what you are using).
  3. Scroll down to the "Thumbnails" section and toggle the "Show Thumbnails" switch to off. This will remove the thumbnails from the Lightbox/Slideshow.

Changing the background color and opacity:

  1. Select the Lightbox/Slideshow element on your Webflow canvas.
  2. In the Style panel, navigate to the "Background" section.
  3. Click on the color swatch next to the "Background Color" property to open the color picker.
  4. Choose a new color for the background of your Lightbox/Slideshow. You can either select a pre-defined color or create a custom one.
  5. To adjust the opacity, locate the "Opacity" slider below the color picker. Slide it to the left to decrease the opacity or to the right to increase it.
  6. Preview your changes to see the updated background color and opacity of your Lightbox/Slideshow.

These steps will help you remove thumbnails and customize the background color and opacity of your full-screen Lightbox/Slideshow in Webflow.

Additional Resources:

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I add captions to images in a Webflow Lightbox/Slideshow?
  2. Can I customize the transition effects in a Webflow Lightbox/Slideshow?
  3. Is it possible to control the autoplay settings of a Webflow Slideshow?