How can I fix the issue of images not appearing after importing a CSV file with Google Drive URLs in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

When importing a CSV file with Google Drive URLs into Webflow, it is not uncommon to encounter the issue of images not appearing. This issue usually arises because Webflow does not support direct linking to images hosted on Google Drive. However, there are a few workarounds you can try to resolve this problem:

  1. Rehost the images:
  • Download the images from Google Drive onto your computer.
  • Upload the images to a different hosting service or your Webflow project's assets.
  • Replace the Google Drive URLs in the CSV file with the URLs of the rehosted images.
  • Import the updated CSV file into Webflow.
  1. Upload the images manually:
  • Download the images from Google Drive onto your computer.
  • Upload the images directly to your Webflow project's assets.
  • Replace the Google Drive URLs in the CSV file with the URLs of the manually uploaded images.
  • Import the updated CSV file into Webflow.
  1. Embed the images:
  • Open the Google Drive image in a web browser, and make sure the image is publicly accessible.
  • Right-click on the image and select "Copy Image Address" or similar.
  • Open your Webflow project and navigate to the page where you want to add the image.
  • Add an Embed element to the page.
  • Inside the Embed element, insert an HTML <img> tag with the src attribute set to the copied image address.
  • Save and publish your site to see the image embedded.

These solutions should help resolve the issue of images not appearing after importing a CSV file with Google Drive URLs in Webflow. Remember to test your changes and ensure that the images are displaying correctly after implementing one of these fixes.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I upload images to my Webflow project's assets?
  2. Can I use external image hosting services with Webflow?
  3. What are some common image formatting mistakes to avoid in Webflow?