How do you customize the width of a w-container in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To customize the width of a w-container in Webflow, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Select the w-container element: Open your Webflow project in the Designer, and navigate to the page where you want to customize the width of the w-container. Click on the w-container element to select it.

  2. Access the Styles panel: After selecting the w-container, the right-hand sidebar will display the Styles panel. If it is not already visible, you can open it by clicking on the paintbrush icon on the top right of the Designer.

  3. Adjust the width property: In the Styles panel, you will see a section named "Width". By default, w-container has a width of 100%, which means it extends to the full width of the viewport. To customize the width, you have different options:

  • Fixed width: Click the dropdown menu next to "Width" and choose "Fixed". This will allow you to set a specific pixel width for the w-container. Enter the desired width in the input field next to the dropdown.

  • Percentage width: If you want the w-container to occupy a specific percentage of the viewport width, leave the dropdown at "Auto" and enter the desired percentage value in the input field next to it.

  • Maximum width: Optionally, you can set a maximum width for the w-container by clicking the checkbox next to "Max Width". This ensures that the w-container won't expand beyond the specified width on larger screens.

  1. Preview and publish: After customizing the width of the w-container, you can preview the changes in the Designer's preview mode to see how they look on different devices and screen sizes. Once you are satisfied, publish your Webflow project to make the changes live on your website.

By customizing the width of a w-container in Webflow, you have control over the layout and responsiveness of your website. Whether you prefer a fixed or percentage-based width, Webflow makes it easy to create beautiful and adaptive designs.

Additional questions:

  1. What is the default width of a w-container in Webflow?
  2. Can I set different widths for w-containers on different breakpoints?
  3. How can I center align a w-container in Webflow?