Can I disable lightbox on mobile devices while keeping it active on desktop and tablet in Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can disable the lightbox feature on mobile devices while keeping it active on desktop and tablet in Webflow. Here's how you can achieve this:

  1. Select the lightbox element:
  • In the Webflow Designer, locate the lightbox element on your page.
  • Click on the lightbox element to select it.
  1. Open the element's settings:
  • In the right panel, you will see options and settings for the selected lightbox element.
  • Locate and click on the gear icon (Settings) for the lightbox element.
  1. Configure the lightbox settings:
  • In the lightbox settings panel, you will find options to customize the behavior of the lightbox.
  • Look for an option called "Display on": this option allows you to choose which devices the lightbox will be active on.
  • By default, it should be set to "All Devices" which means the lightbox is active on all devices.
  1. Disable lightbox on mobile:
  • To disable the lightbox on mobile devices, select the "Desktop and Tablet" option from the "Display on" dropdown.
  • This will ensure that the lightbox remains active on desktop and tablet, but is disabled on mobile devices.
  1. Publish or export your website:
  • Once you have made the desired changes to the lightbox settings, don't forget to publish or export your website for the changes to take effect.

By following these steps, you will be able to disable the lightbox on mobile devices while keeping it active on desktop and tablet in Webflow.

Additional Note:
Keep in mind that disabling the lightbox on mobile devices may affect the user experience and it’s important to test your website on various devices to ensure a seamless browsing experience.


For example, if you have a gallery of images on your website and you want to use a lightbox to display them on desktop and tablet devices while disabling it on mobile, you can easily set it up using the steps mentioned above. This way, users on desktop or tablet devices will still be able to click on the images and view them in the lightbox, while those on mobile devices will see the images in their default state without the lightbox.


To disable the lightbox on mobile devices while keeping it active on desktop and tablet in Webflow, follow these steps:

  1. Select the lightbox element.
  2. Open the element's settings.
  3. Configure the lightbox settings.
  4. Disable lightbox on mobile.
  5. Publish or export your website.

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