How can I create a dynamic 302 redirect in Webflow for my CMS collection so that automatically redirects to the latest year, such as

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a dynamic 302 redirect in Webflow for your CMS collection, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new text field to your CMS collection
  • Go to your Collection settings in the Webflow Designer
  • Click on the "Fields" tab
  • Add a new text field, let's call it "Year"
  1. Populate the "Year" field with the desired year for each collection item
  • Edit each collection item and enter the respective year in the "Year" field
  1. Set up the redirect
  • Go to your Project settings
  • Click on the "Hosting" tab
  • Scroll down to the "Redirects" section
  • Click on the "Add redirect rule" button
  1. Configure the redirect rule
  • In the "Source path" field, enter "/summit"
  • In the "Destination path" field, enter "/summit/{Year}"
  • Select the option for temporary 302 redirect
  • Make sure to check the "Wildcard" box next to the "Source path"
  1. Publish your site
  • Click on the "Publish" button in the top-right corner of the Webflow Designer
  • Once the publish is complete, the dynamic redirect should work

Now, when a user visits "", they will be automatically redirected to the latest year page, such as "", based on the value you entered in the "Year" field for the latest collection item.

Additional SEO tip: To ensure that search engines properly understand and index your dynamic redirect, you can also implement canonical tags on each year-specific page (e.g., "") pointing to the main "" page. This will help consolidate the ranking signals and avoid potential duplicate content issues.

Example canonical tag:

<link rel="canonical" href="">

Note: It's important to regularly update the "Year" field for the latest collection item to ensure that the redirect always points to the correct year.

Additional Questions:

  • How do I add a field to my CMS collection in Webflow?
  • How can I set up a redirect rule in Webflow?
  • What are canonical tags and how can I use them in Webflow for SEO?