How can I get a Vimeo video added to a CMS collection to auto play on Hover and start from the beginning again on Mouse out using Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To get a Vimeo video added to a CMS collection to autoplay on hover and start from the beginning again on mouse out in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

  1. Get the Vimeo video URL:
  • First, you'll need the Vimeo video URL. You can find this by going to the Vimeo video page and copying the URL from the browser address bar.
  1. Add a video field to CMS collection:
  • In your Webflow project, go to the CMS Collections section.
  • Choose the collection you want to add the video to or create a new collection.
  • Add a new Video field to the collection and set it to accept a URL.
  1. Create video wrapper element:
  • Add a div block to your CMS template or collection list item where you want the video to be displayed.
  • Give the div block a class name (e.g., "video-wrapper") for easier styling.
  1. Add video element to the wrapper:
  • Inside the div block, add a video element.
  • Set the source of the video element to the Video URL field from the CMS collection using the dynamic fields.
  • Set the autoplay attribute to "false" to prevent the video from autoplaying by default.
  1. Configure interactions:
  • Select the video wrapper div block and go to the Interactions panel.
  • Create a new interaction and set it to trigger on hover.
  • Add an action to the interaction to play the video by selecting the video element and choosing the "Play" action.
  1. Add second interaction on mouse out:
  • Create another interaction, this time triggered on mouse out.
  • Add an action to the interaction to pause the video by selecting the video element and choosing the "Pause" action.
  • Additionally, add an action to seek the video back to the beginning by selecting the video element and choosing the "Set Current Time" action. Set the value to 0 to start the video from the beginning again.
  1. Preview and refine:
  • Preview your website to see the video autoplaying on hover and starting from the beginning on mouse out.
  • Adjust any styling or positioning as needed to ensure the video displays correctly.

By following these steps, you can easily integrate a Vimeo video from a CMS collection into your Webflow website and configure it to autoplay on hover and start from the beginning on mouse out.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I add a Vimeo video to a CMS collection in Webflow?
  2. Can I control the playback of a Vimeo video in Webflow?
  3. How can I customize the appearance of a Vimeo video in Webflow?