How can I add a button to mute/unmute the audio on a web page built with Webflow that has a webflow video background that is muted by default?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To add a button to mute/unmute the audio on a web page with a Webflow video background that is muted by default, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add a button element to your Webflow project:
  • Navigate to the page where you want to add the mute/unmute button.
  • Drag and drop a button element from the Webflow elements panel onto your page.
  1. Style the button:
  • Customize the appearance of the button according to your design requirements using the Webflow Style panel.
  • Adjust its size, color, and position to match your website's aesthetic.
  1. Add an interaction to the button:
  • Select the button element on the canvas.
  • In the Webflow Interactions panel, click on the "+" button to add a new interaction.
  • Choose "Mouse Click" as the trigger for the interaction.
  1. Configure the interaction:
  • In the "Choose an action" dropdown, select "Element Actions".
  • Select the video element that you want to mute/unmute from the list of available elements.
  • Choose the "Toggle" option under the "Mute" action. This will toggle the audio on and off whenever the button is clicked.
  1. Test the functionality:
  • Preview your website in the Webflow Designer or publish your site to a temporary URL to test the button's functionality.
  • Click on the button to see if it mutes and unmutes the video background's audio as expected.

By following these steps, you can easily add a button to mute/unmute the audio on a Webflow web page that has a video background muted by default.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I mute an HTML5 video background in Webflow?
  2. Can I customize the appearance of the mute/unmute button in Webflow?
  3. Are interactions in Webflow limited to buttons only?