How can I achieve the same effect as the vertical tab element with scroll enabled on Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

With Webflow, you can achieve a similar effect to a vertical tab element by utilizing the combination of interactions, scroll effects, and dynamic content. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Create your vertical tab layout:
  • Start by adding a div block to your canvas.
  • Set its width and height according to your design requirements.
  • Set the position property to 'absolute' or 'fixed' if you want the tab to stick to a specific position on the page.
  1. Add your tab buttons:
  • Add links or buttons inside the div block to serve as your tab buttons.
  • Style them accordingly to match your design.
  1. Create the content sections:
  • Add div blocks beneath your tab buttons as content sections.
  • Set the height and width properties as desired.
  • Style the content sections to match your design.
  1. Set up the interactions:
  • Select the first tab button, and create a new interaction on it.
  • Choose a trigger event, such as 'click' or 'mouseover', depending on your desired behavior.
  • Add an action to show the corresponding content section.
  • Optionally, add an action to hide the other content sections.
  1. Repeat the interaction setup:
  • Repeat the above steps for each tab button, creating interactions to show/hide the corresponding content sections.
  1. Create the scrolling effect:
  • Select the div block that contains your tab buttons.
  • Add a new scroll interaction to it.
  • Choose a trigger event, such as 'while scrolling in view'.
  • Add an action to change the appearance of the tab buttons as the user scrolls.
  • For example, you can change the background color, font color, or add an underline to the active tab button.
  1. Add dynamic content:
  • If you want to have different content within each content section, you can make use of dynamic content in Webflow.
  • Create a collection in the CMS (Content Management System) section of Webflow.
  • Add fields to the collection for the different sections of content.
  • In your content sections, add dynamic elements and bind them to the corresponding CMS fields.
  1. Finalize styling and customization:
  • Once you have set up the structure and functionality, you can further style and customize the tab buttons and content sections to match your desired design.
  • Apply additional styles, transitions, or animations to enhance the overall user experience.

By following these steps, you can achieve a similar effect as the vertical tab element with scroll enabled in Webflow. Make sure to test your design and interactions on multiple devices to ensure a seamless experience for your users.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I create a vertical tab element in Webflow?
  2. Can I add scrolling functionality to my tabs in Webflow?
  3. What is the best way to customize the appearance of a tab button in Webflow?