Has anyone used turn.js from github for adding a menu book to their Webflow site?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Using turn.js from GitHub to add a menu book to a Webflow site

If you're looking to add a menu book to your Webflow site, you may have come across turn.js from GitHub. While turn.js is a popular library for creating page flip effects, it is not directly integrated with Webflow. However, you can still utilize the turn.js library to achieve the desired effect on your Webflow site by following these steps:

  1. Download the turn.js library: Start by downloading the turn.js library from the GitHub repository ( https://github.com/blasten/turn.js) . You can either download the entire repository as a ZIP file or clone it using Git.

  2. Include the library in your Webflow project: Once you have downloaded the turn.js library, extract the ZIP file if necessary. Inside the extracted folder, you'll find the turn.min.js file. Copy this file and place it in your Webflow project's directory.

  3. Add the turn.js script to your page: Open the page where you want to add the menu book in Webflow's Designer. Go to the page settings and navigate to the "Custom Code" tab. In the <body> section, paste the following code:

<script src="path/to/turn.min.js"></script>

Remember to replace path/to/turn.min.js with the correct path to the turn.min.js file you copied in the previous step.

  1. Create the HTML structure: In Webflow, design the layout of your menu book using HTML components such as div , section , or container elements. Each page of the menu book should be wrapped in a div , representing a page. Remember to use unique classes or IDs to differentiate each page. You can refer to the turn.js documentation for more advanced features like page numbering, navigation, etc.

  2. Initialize turn.js: Add another <script> tag after the turn.js library script you added earlier. Inside this script, initialize turn.js by calling the turn() function and passing it the options for your menu book. For example:

<script>    $(window).on('load', function(){         $('.menu-book').turn();    });</script>

Here, .menu-book should be replaced with the appropriate class or ID selector for your menu book container.

  1. Publish and test: Once you've made all the necessary changes, publish your Webflow site and test the menu book functionality. Make sure that the turn.js library is properly loaded and the HTML structure is correctly implemented.

While turn.js can provide an interactive page flip experience for your Webflow site, keep in mind that it may require further customization to match your specific design requirements. It's always a good idea to consult the original turn.js documentation and explore the various options it offers.

Additional questions:

  1. How do I customize the appearance of the menu book created using turn.js in Webflow?
  2. Is turn.js compatible with all browsers supported by Webflow?
  3. Are there any other alternatives to turn.js for adding a menu book effect in Webflow?