Do User Accounts Beta login page links not work only on staging or on fully published sites as well?

Published on
September 22, 2023

The User Accounts Beta login page links work on both staging and fully published sites in Webflow.

Here's a detailed explanation:

  1. Staging Sites:
  • Staging sites in Webflow allow you to preview your website before it is published.
  • When using the User Accounts Beta feature in a staging site, the login page link should work as expected. Users will be able to access the login page, create an account, and log in without any issues.
  1. Fully Published Sites:
  • Once your website is fully published, the User Accounts Beta login page links should also work seamlessly.
  • When users navigate to the login page URL, they will be able to access it and proceed with the login process without any problems.

It's worth mentioning that the User Accounts Beta feature is still a beta version in Webflow, which means there might be occasional bugs or issues. It's always a good practice to thoroughly test your website on both staging and fully published versions to ensure everything is functioning correctly.

In summary, whether you're working on a staging site or a fully published site, the User Accounts Beta login page links should work as intended, allowing users to log in without any difficulties.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I create a login page in Webflow?
  2. Are user accounts secure in Webflow's User Accounts Beta feature?
  3. Can I customize the look and feel of the login page in Webflow's User Accounts Beta feature?