How can I create a custom cursor in Webflow that will invert colors of elements it hovers over?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To create a custom cursor in Webflow that can invert colors of elements it hovers over, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a custom cursor element: Start by adding a new "div" element to your Webflow project. Give it a class name, such as "custom-cursor," to target it for styling and functionality.

  2. Style the custom cursor: With the "custom-cursor" element selected, go to the Styles panel and set its position to "absolute" to allow it to be positioned anywhere on the page. You can also set the width and height to your desired size and apply any other visual styles you want.

  3. Apply custom cursor to body: Select the body element and go to the Styles panel. Under "Custom Code," paste the following CSS code: cursor: none; . This will hide the default cursor.

  4. Implement JavaScript code: Go to the page settings and add custom code to the "Before " section. Paste the following JavaScript code:

var cursor = document.querySelector('.custom-cursor');document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e) {  var x = e.clientX;  var y = e.clientY; = x + 'px'; = y + 'px';});document.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (e) {  cursor.classList.add('active');});document.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (e) {  cursor.classList.remove('active');});

This code listens for mouse movements and updates the position of the custom cursor accordingly. It also adds or removes the "active" class when the cursor enters or leaves the viewport.

  1. Apply color inversion on hover: With the "custom-cursor" element still selected, go to the Interactions panel. Create a new hover interaction, and in the animation settings, select "Class" as the target. Add a class name, such as "inverted," and define the desired visual styles for the inverted cursor.

  2. Add interaction trigger: Select the element(s) you want the custom cursor to interact with. In the Interactions panel, create a new hover interaction for the chosen element. Select the "Affect different element" option and choose the "custom-cursor" element. In the animation settings, select "Class" as the target and add the "active" class.

Now, when you hover over elements on your Webflow site, the custom cursor should appear and invert colors when hovering over the targeted elements.

Additional Resources:

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