Can someone provide a code or solution for adding a responsive Facebook feed to a website on Webflow?

Published on
September 22, 2023

To add a responsive Facebook feed to a website on Webflow, you can utilize the Facebook JavaScript SDK. Follow the steps below to implement this solution:

  1. Create a Facebook App
  • Log in to your Facebook Developer account or create a new one.
  • Create a new Facebook app via the "My Apps" section.
  • Provide a name for your app and configure the basic settings.
  • Make note of the App ID provided by Facebook; you'll need it later.
  1. Add the Facebook JavaScript SDK
  • In the Webflow Designer, navigate to your project and open the Custom Code panel.
  • Paste the following code within the Head Code section:
    ```html ```
  • Replace 'YOUR_APP_ID' with your actual Facebook App ID.
  1. Add the Facebook Feed Embed Code
  • In the Webflow Designer, navigate to the page where you want to embed the Facebook feed.
  • Drag and drop an HTML Embed element onto the page where you want the feed to appear.
  • Open the Settings panel of the HTML Embed element.
  • Paste the following code into the Embed Code section, replacing 'YOUR_FB_PAGE' with the page you want to display the feed from:
  • Adjust the data-width and data-height attributes to match your desired dimensions.
  1. Publish and Test
  • Save your changes in the Webflow Designer.
  • Publish your website to see the Facebook feed in action.

By following these steps, you'll be able to add a responsive Facebook feed to your Webflow website. The feed will automatically adjust its size and layout based on the device being used.

Additional Tips:

  • You can customize the appearance of the Facebook feed by modifying the CSS of the elements generated by the Facebook JavaScript SDK.
  • Ensure that the Facebook page you want to display is publicly accessible. Private Facebook pages or pages with restricted access will not work with this method.

Reference Questions:

  1. How do I add a responsive Facebook feed to my Webflow website?
  2. What is the best way to integrate a Facebook feed into Webflow?
  3. Can you provide step-by-step instructions for adding a Facebook feed to a Webflow site?