Can Webflow accommodate a shop with products that have no listed price and the ability to accept orders without shipping the products?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, Webflow can accommodate a shop with products that have no listed price and the ability to accept orders without shipping the products. Here's how you can set it up:

  1. Hide the price: In the Webflow CMS, you can create a field for product price but leave it blank for products that don't have a listed price. Then, on the product template page, you can use conditional visibility settings to hide the price if it is empty. This way, products without a listed price won't display the price on the front-end of your site.

  2. Add custom order form: To accept orders without shipping, you can create a custom order form on the product template page. This form can include fields for the customer to enter their contact information, select the quantity of the product they want, and provide any additional instructions or comments. You can also use form validation to ensure the required information is entered.

  3. Process orders manually: After the customer submits the order form, you will receive an email notification with the order details. From there, you can manually process the order without shipping the products. This means you can handle the transaction offline, such as accepting payment through another method (e.g., in-person, over the phone, etc.) and updating the customer's order status accordingly. You can also maintain communication with the customer through email or other means to fulfill the order.

By implementing these steps, you can create a shop in Webflow that accommodates products without a listed price and accepts orders without shipping the products.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I hide the price for products without a listed price in Webflow?
  2. Can I create a custom order form in Webflow for products that don't require shipping?
  3. What is the process for manually processing orders in Webflow without shipping products?