Can I format a span of text in a rich text element in Webflow to look like computer code/preformatted text?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Yes, you can format a span of text in a rich text element in Webflow to look like computer code or preformatted text. Webflow provides a number of options for styling text within a rich text element, including the ability to apply code-like formatting.

To format a span of text as code or preformatted text in Webflow, you can follow these steps:

  1. Select the rich text element: Start by selecting the rich text element that contains the text you want to format.
  2. Edit the text: Double-click on the text within the rich text element to enter editing mode.
  3. Select the text to format: Highlight the specific span of text that you want to format as code.
  4. Create a span element: With the text selected, click on the "Insert Element" button in the toolbar (or use the shortcut CMD/CTRL + E) and choose "Span."
  5. Apply code-like formatting: With the newly created span element selected, you can apply code-like formatting to the text. This can be done using the "Typography" section in the right sidebar. Here are a few formatting options you can use:
  • Change font family: Select a monospaced font, such as "Courier New" or "Monaco," to give the text a code-like appearance.
  • Adjust font size: Increase or decrease the font size to match the desired code style.
  • Change text color: You can use a different text color, such as a lighter shade of gray, to help differentiate the code text.
  1. Preview and fine-tune: After applying the desired formatting, preview the changes to see if they match your expectations. You can also experiment with other styling options until you achieve the desired look.

Remember to save your changes and publish your website for the formatting to be visible to visitors.

By following these steps, you can format a span of text within a rich text element in Webflow to look like computer code or preformatted text.


Here is an example of how the code-like formatting might look in the Webflow editor:

<p>This is some text with a <span class="code">span</span> element styled as code.</p>

And this is how it would appear on the published website:

This is some text with a span element styled as code.

Additional Questions:

  1. How do I style text as code in Webflow?
  2. Can I change the font style of a span of text in a rich text element in Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to change the background color of code-like text in Webflow?