How does Webflow calculate the dates for "created", "published", and "modified" for CMS items?

Published on
September 22, 2023

Webflow automatically tracks and displays the dates for when CMS items are created, published, and modified. These dates are essential for keeping track of content updates and understanding the lifecycle of a CMS item. Here's how Webflow calculates these dates:

1. Created date:

  • The created date represents the date when the CMS item was initially created within the Webflow CMS.
  • Webflow assigns this date automatically, and it cannot be manually changed or edited.
  • When creating a new CMS item, Webflow will automatically set the created date as the current date and time.

2. Published date:

  • The published date represents the date when the CMS item was first published and made visible on your live website.
  • Webflow assigns this date automatically when you first publish the CMS item.
  • If you create a CMS item and don't publish it immediately, the published date will remain blank until you publish it.

3. Modified date:

  • The modified date represents the last date and time when any changes were made to the CMS item.
  • Any modification made to the CMS item, such as updating the content or changing the design, will update the modified date.
  • Webflow automatically updates the modified date every time you save changes to the CMS item in the Designer or Editor.

It's important to note that Webflow tracks these dates based on the server time in the UTC timezone. This means that the date and time displayed may differ from your local time zone.

By accurately tracking and displaying these dates, Webflow ensures that you have a clear understanding of when CMS items are created, published, and modified. This information is helpful in managing your content and tracking its relevance over time.

Additional Questions:

  1. How can I manually change the created date of a CMS item in Webflow?
  2. Can I hide the published date from being displayed on my website made with Webflow?
  3. Is it possible to export the created, published, and modified dates of CMS items in Webflow?